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  • Well I like sucker punch, especially with stab, but having a ghost to switch into a fake out is good, and Misdrevous is faster.
    Which is more important, having the priority of sucker punch or the speed of misdrevous and ghost stab? I find honchkrow more useful than misdrevous on my team, so maybe you should go with houndour.
    The great thing IMO about little cup is your decisions matter almost more than your team. People complain about seeing the same few pokes over and over again, but you can battle with the same pokes 5 times in a row and get 5 different outcomes, more so than with OU.
    Just off the top of my head I would say Mienfoo is always good or maybe a ghost - Misdreavous or gastly
    Or murkrow with sucker punch
    I have been playing about a month and a half, but I win more than I lose.
    I use a sand team waht pokes are you using?
    Here is my team
    Hippopotas (F) @ Eviolite
    Trait: Sand Stream
    EVs: 132 HP / 20 Atk / 212 Def / 100 SDef / 20 Spd
    Impish Nature (+Def, -SAtk)
    - Stealth Rock
    - Earthquake
    - Crunch
    - Slack Off

    Drilbur (F) @ Life Orb
    Trait: Sand Rush
    EVs: 24 HP / 236 Atk / 36 Def / 212 Spd
    Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
    - Earthquake
    - Rock Slide
    - Shadow Claw
    - Rapid Spin

    Mienfoo (F) @ Eviolite
    Trait: Regenerator
    EVs: 156 Atk / 196 Def / 36 SDef / 120 Spd
    Impish Nature (+Def, -SAtk)
    - Fake Out
    - Drain Punch
    - U-turn
    - Payback

    Bronzor @ Eviolite
    Trait: Levitate
    EVs: 200 HP / 4 Atk / 68 Def / 4 SAtk / 148 SDef / 16 Spd
    Careful Nature (+SDef, -SAtk)
    - Stealth Rock
    - Earthquake
    - Flash Cannon
    - Toxic

    Misdreavus (F) @ Life Orb
    Trait: Levitate
    EVs: 240 SAtk / 240 Spd
    Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)
    - Nasty Plot
    - Shadow Ball
    - Hidden Power [Fighting]
    - Thunderbolt

    Murkrow (F) @ Eviolite
    Trait: Insomnia
    EVs: 236 Atk / 76 SAtk / 188 Spd
    Naive Nature (+Spd, -SDef)
    - Drill Peck
    - Sucker Punch
    - Heat Wave
    - Hidden Power [Grass]
    yea i play Lc and yes it did come out in English but due to me playing it im taking a break from wifi for a while
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