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  • I sadly cannot be on that time due to hockey practice. Maybe tomorrow if my parents don't go shopping for the third day in a row :P.
    Sadly you VMed me when I logged off =P. Just let me know any time today for your Mew.
    That is a good time range. I will add your FC once you come online and are ready.
    I am GMT -4 (Atlantic) so that is perfect :D. I can be on any time wednesday, so, just VM me tomorrow when I am online and we can arrange the trade :D.
    I had a hockey tournament today and I won't have time tomorrow sadly. Wednesday I will be on for sure. VM me when I am online Wednesday.
    Hey palkiaqua, the CP you told me is not possible for me since i don't have that shiny spread in any of my SS versions, however I found this spread in one of them:
    Timid 29/13/31/31/28/31 It can also not be shiny with the spread you posted too, reply back, thanks!
    haha... congrats :). Ive also done another rng since my giveaway... a spearow for my next giveaway.
    hah dont worry thank you for telling me. And when i see their stats I just use a calculator?
    Any level. However, you can't EV train a lv 100 pokemon because they don't gain any experience points. You can only gain EVs in 4th gen if you can gain experience points.
    You need to follow certain rules if you want somebody, like me, to find your SID.
    1. Send me a Pokemon you caught or bred.
    2. Make sure you don't need it back.
    3. Make sure to not use Voice Chat.
    4. Make sure to use FC in my sig.
    5. Make sure to lmk which FC to use for you.
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