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  • i just died of laughter and im sitting in my lounge and this girl kind of gave me a WTF look
    Hey, I was going through the Battling 101 forum and couldn't find anything related to how to apply to be tutored now. Can you help me out? I'm really really keen on getting battling tutoring.
    Ugh, I loved PL. I'm battling sparingly on the Shoddy Team Uber server, but I just don't feel like getting that hard-earned CRE up again. And what happened to the Battlng 101 program? If I'm always going to be seeded against Lady Bug and such in tournaments, I nned a faint glimpse of hope....
    I was reading through a thread and I saw you post with your old avatar and I'm sitting here thinking "damn, this just feels so right" you know? Good to see you're burning like a bridge!
    Hey I've seen this avatar before... That's a Brand New album isn't it? I am almost certain I have it somewhere.
    Wow, congratulations on leading the 5th generation policy. Personally, I am very glad to have a user like you at the head.
    I've saw you with that avatar when I first joined and I have to ask, where is it from?
    Yeah... I really don't like Pokemon Online. xD

    The ladder isn't friendly for a competitive battler.

    I will keep my eyes peeled for Pokemon Lab, thanks much for the insight! ^^
    Hey Phil, hows it going? xD

    I have a question. What is going on with Pokemon Lab? Cathy quit Smogon, so does that mean Pokemon Lab is dead? I really liked Pokemon Lab. :(
    You still need to be an artist, a programmer, and is there anything else I am forgetting? Oh yeah, be an OU Suspect Tester when the time comes too.
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