pika pal
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  • I am completely and unbelievably busy this evening, but I have nearly everything on your list. If you still need dex fillers by this weekend, PM me, and I'll help you out. :)
    Yup. Very useful for catching 12.5% gender ratio females.

    Good luck, and let me know if that completed your pokedex. :)
    pika pal
    pika pal
    Indeed. I now have the Shiny Charm. Now I can hatch shinies after 999 eggs instead!
    Good luck!

    (You jest, but I have the shiny charm, and my personal shiny chance is a cool...1:2397 eggs. Seriously.) T_T
    I can give a shiny stone
    pika pal
    pika pal

    And I was in the middle of EV training a cleric Eevee-->Sylveon. Gonna have these things Hyper Voicing for weeks.

    And then it'll turn out I didn't need them at that value with a Hyper Voice tutor in ORAS.
    pika pal
    pika pal
    Thanks for the Eevee.
    I know it will mostlikely ORAS wl have tutor moves. I have never used a modest hyper voice sylveon i run a hyper voice bold one.
    Hey, I bred love ball numels from the one you caught for me, and was wondering if you wanted one. They are 31/31/31/31/31/x quiet nature, with growth, heat wave and body slam.
    ORAS and mega camerupt are the reason I bred them. ;)
    pika pal
    pika pal
    If this one comes up I will, but not sure I can track every single child of this Numel.
    You don't have to track them, lol. I just meant that if anyone asks, I think it's courteous to let them know who bred them.
    Going on now, was eating
    It will go in the collection. I have nest, net, dream and now dive. Next is lux and timer if I can get dark ray to part with them
    pika pal
    pika pal
    Original parent was a spit back from Tater.
    Not surprised there, he likes fossils just as much as I do.
    Heya, I saw on the Simple Questions/requests thread that you're looking for a foreign level Ball Rhyhorn. I don't have one, but I can offer you some Japanese Dittos. Adamant, Timid HP Ice, Calm HP Fire, and Calm flawless. Would you be willing to do a breeding project for me?
    pika pal
    pika pal
    Sorry, the main thing I need is the Level Ball Rhyhorn specifically. I can RNG Dittos for breeding.
    Well, let me know if you'd like the Japanese Dittos anyway. I'm going to look for a Level Ball Rhyhorn. My game is in Japanese, so I can get you a foreign one anyway.
    You need someone to clone? I don't offer very often, but since I was just about to check a batch of eggs, I can do this for you.
    pika pal
    pika pal
    Thank you.
    No problem. :) (Sadly, no 6IV eggs in that batch though...looks like more breeding in my future, lol).
    pika pal
    pika pal
    Ah well. I've been SRing the Vivilon (plural), so I know your pain somewhat.
    Can you rgn a ralts in a lux ball with hyper voice?
    pika pal
    pika pal
    Haven't learned RNG breeding yet for HV Ralts, don't have a Gen 5 location to catch them, and I don't know how to RNG Gen 4. Sorry, I don't think I'll be much help.
    Its ok thanks anyway. What gen do you rgn?
    pika pal
    pika pal
    Gen 5, but I haven't learned breeding yet.
    It ready come online. By the way its 6 iv shiny in a lux ball. It has EMs but it has the elemental fangs i used it to breed them on tyrunt. It has no evs they were reset.
    pika pal
    pika pal
    Wow, more than I was expecting. What would you like in return for it?
    Nothing at the moment. You can have it.
    pika pal
    pika pal
    Getting online now.
    Hey pika pal, I think we're traded before, but I just wanted to say I'd be interested in an RNG'd Porygon from Dream Radar. I'd be happy to provide the evo items and help you evolve it too :).
    pika pal
    pika pal
    I'm EST (GMT - 4 I believe). So yeah. Still, I'm on now. Can you trade now/soon?

    Incidentally, do you have a Spheal-line Pokemon? Walrein is the last Pokedex entry I'm missing.
    Lady Valkyrie
    Lady Valkyrie
    Yeah, I can trade now. Also, sure. I can trade you a Spheal. Will get on now.
    pika pal
    pika pal
    Perfect. Was getting tired of the dozen Zubats and Fletchlings on Wonder Trade.

    Online now
    Hi. Do you mind if I take those Pokémon Chanusu asked for? He/She/It left Smogon after we traded (you can guess how that makes me feel). I can give you something cool.
    Hi pika, i see you have alot of repliers. If not an inconvenience, can you please add me @ 0061-1965-0245? I have shuckle!! IGN:SmellyJOSE
    I can help with cloning if it is in bulk.
    pika pal
    pika pal
    Oh, I've been doing the search on Black 1 right now, and I started with just 1 key press since it seemed to search much faster than all seeds at once. Gonna try with 2 and 3 next.

    I'm probably gonna try Dream Radar RNG before I begin with breeding, especially considering how long it's going to take me to get parents for some Egg Moves (like Bisharp's Sucker Punch)
    You should not have to change forms.
    pika pal
    pika pal
    Alright, then I just need to scrounge together shards to tutor the Genies. Then I just have to RNG Ho-oh, Lugia, and Giratina. Might do Palkia and Dialga for kicks, though Telepathy is bleh.

    Also, once I bring them up, I might have a mass cloning job.
    Hello good sir, would you please add me also for the Ditto Safari? My FC is 1865-0892-7756
    pika pal
    pika pal
    Can you give me until tomorrow? I'm working on some RNG stuff tonight.
    no problem :) please take your time
    pika pal
    pika pal
    I assume you've added me, I'll add you and be online in a second.
    Have you checked with richi3f for the dive ball poke?
    pika pal
    pika pal
    I did find his shop earlier, and I'm working on some of his more specific wants in hopes I might be able to trade for it.

    Currently on the Foongus.
    Hey just shoot me a message when you can get those pokemon done
    pika pal
    pika pal
    Will do, just gotta find a Bold Ditto.

    Can you actually PM me the list for easy reference? And don't feel like you have to wait on me. Feel free to keep looking in the meantime.
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