Pika Xreme
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  • Well I was right about Surge Surfer, but it doesn't seem to be my sort of jam. Now we must wait... until its hidden ability is unveiled.
    If there's one good thing I can say about Undertale, it's that it is the most action-packed dating sim released in late 2015.
    Count Von Count of Sesame Street fame is one of the most well-researched vampires in all of fiction.
    Pika Xreme
    Pika Xreme
    By the way, the idea of vampires combusting in sunlight is a modern invention. It simply removes their powers in most mythological interpretations.
    That makes a lot of sense now.
    Pika Xreme
    Pika Xreme
    Thank you for responding. I am very grateful that my services are appreciated.
    Been thinking about OM mashups and such. Other than the obvious Reliablemons + Camomons, what would you want most?
    Pika Xreme
    Pika Xreme
    i mean, Highest Stat Meta + Stat Switch MIGHT be cool, especially if the legal pokemon are determined by pre-switch stats instead of post-switch stats.
    Probably not very. Remember, we're going by what's in the video games here; Raichu doesn't get a BREAK stage, and any abilities/moves it has would have to be tailored to the rather lacklustre nature of the base 'mon. Hope that's informative! =]
    fanfiction.net has only one Pikachu X Samus fic and no Pikachu X Charizard fics and this is worrying to me, send help now.
    Pika Xreme
    Pika Xreme
    they also have only 2 Kirby X Jigglypuff and no Kirby X Bayonetta
    ew reccomending koff hoopa-u smh
    Pika Xreme
    Pika Xreme
    this is about as logical as "ew reccomending non-mega charizard smh"

    it makes sense in some contexts, but not in goddamn Stat Switch.
    It does, though.
    Look, Hoopa-u is a stallbreaker/wallbreaker. Thats what its good at. Since it can no longer run specs, however, it needs to spam its attacks to break walls down (it has no boosting outside of nasty plot which in now useless)

    Knock off is a great attack to have, and really punishes switchins even if they resist, but doesn't fulfill the most important job- being spammable. From that perspective, Hyperspace Fury is far superior despite the fact that hoopa-u now has usable defenses.
    Pika Xreme
    Pika Xreme
    Stat switch Hoopa-U doesn't do that, though. I mean, Charizard went from a sweeper who is only really good in its X form, to a wall whose X form is useless.
    Talking about crappy signature moves, you forgot:
    Mist Ball
    Luster Purge
    Heart Swap
    Present (yeah, fuckin' Present)

    Volt Tackle and even Roar of Time are nothing on these
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