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  • How high do you think it is possible to climb without using Tera type? Curious question because the last time I've played Pokémon was SM.
    Climb ladder without using Tera? Yes, definitely it is. The fear of Tera will help you out a LOT though, if your opponent knew you wouldn't use Tera, you would be at a major disadvantage.
    Hello Pinkacross. I recently watched your video about how to team build, so I decided to make this team:
    It had some success, but I feel like there's something incredibly crucial that I'm missing. Gliscor and Zamazenta don't feel right on this team. Are there any improvements that you can make?
    Sinistcha being your water resist is pretty rough, a Walking Wake would run through this team. Lacking a fairy resist is also a major issue, if you face an Enam / Ival you'll be toast. Having a resist to every type on a balance team is non-negotiable.
    Hittite Jumpscare
    Hittite Jumpscare
    I have finally made a team I'm happy with. I made this hazard stack team that is partially based off yours, and when I tested it, it was good. However, I'd like your thoughts about it.
    I'd recommend Sucker Punch over Flip Turn on Hrott, looks pretty solid otherwise!
    Hi Pinkacross, your content is great and helped me build better teams. I'm having a hard time getting out of the low 1700s with this squad. Any suggestions for improvement? Raging bolt or bolt + volc give me the hardest time but they're not insurmountable.
    I'd say tera fire leftovers ideally
    And yea dualstatus hex pult is very difficult to handle, no way to fix it with just 1 mon unless you slap on a garg somewhere
    That is my favorite Gambit set so I'll try it if i plateau. I just got to a PR #291 on the ladder with your Tera Fire SD suggestion, really appreciate the help.
    Congrats! :D
    Hi Pinkacross, I'm currently stuck around 1200 rating, and recently faced a swiftswim-peliper start. It makes me wonder if my team is ever capable of defeating a drizzle team, or is it going to be one of this team's weakness?
    So I basically rely on the fact that my other stalling pokemons can do their job at chipping the enemy's hp before I pivot over to dragonite. However, my team is very vulnerable against water types and special attack electric type. What pokemons should I replace to give my dragonite an easier time, or is the playstyle around the dragonite the problem.
    Heavy-Duty boot counter me, and I lack proper hazards controller as it is hard to pivot into great tusk sometimes. Also, having him as the only one with knock off also makes it difficult to remove the item. I was thinking of replacing my clodsire with knock off, earthquake gliscor.
    Scarf Dragonite is not a very effective breaker. I'd try replacing it with Dragapult, dual status hex darts. Try Alomomola over Dondozo so you have at least one pivot, and go full HDB. I'd recommend Tera Steel on Alomomola as well.
    You have a very rough situation against Ground types, perhaps try Air Balloon Kingambit? Not a fix but it helps. This team is very odd, not really sure to begin with mending it. Which pokemon is performing worst?
    raging bolt
    Perhaps try replacing that with a pokemon with a ground immunity. I could see Corviknight working well here.
    Hi Pinkacross, watched your HO vid and was inspired to take some artistic liberties with the creative direction, please rate my Nat Dex team at your own convenience:
    I don't know much about NatDex but I would advise physdef Gliscor. Your team has no great Knock Off absorber beyond Gliscor, and having it be specially defensive seems not ideal.
    Hello Pinkacross, I've been a big fan of your gen 8 teams and was wondering if you had any Hydreigon teams I haven't had much success making my own

    Additionally, I haven't had much fun playing gen 9, is there any Garchomp teams you might be willing to share Any input will be appreciated!
    I don't have any updated Hydreigon teams for g8 unfortunately. As for Garchomp in gen 9, this team is definitely the type of build you want to run Garchomp on: Helm Dual hazards on Offense. I think SD Scale Shot Garchomp is beyond unviable. As for improvements, it looks solid on paper, what is the team struggling with in practice?
    wren michael
    wren michael
    Meowscarada 6-0's my team and since my team isn't too too bulky it seems I have to tera at the threat of any ice move. So far the only way to deal with the cat is to sack and tera dnite
    One option I could see here is replacing Glowking for Volcarona. Since you have AV Primarina you could perhaps afford it. This would leave you without a Toxic Spike absorber but only 2 pokemon are effected, so not that big of a deal.
    I just started working on this blaziken / hawlucha team and I am a little lost on if I should add more hazards or a taunt user on the team because I tend to sweep or get sweeped. If you could give any input on how to improve it would be greatly appreciated.
    This corviknight is very out of place with the rest of the HO team, I'd recommend removing it for a Glimmora. I think that would fit well here.
    I worked on this Hoopa U BO team for a while but now I'm at a point where I'm not sure what to improve. What changes do you think could be made?
    No obvious errors, what's working well and poorly in testing?
    Former Character
    Former Character
    It mainly comes down to enamorus that I'm dissatisfied with. I feel like it isn't pulling its weight or I just cant properly use its utility. Should I just run a valiant or something instead? then i have a large fairy weakness
    One somewhat odd choice would be Alomomola over Enamrous. While it's not a ground immune, it matches up well into many ground types, works well with Hoopa, and your team loves Wish support. Give it a try and lmk how it goes! :]
    Hey Pinkacross, Thank you sooo much for responding to my Deoxys-D team.. Btw I tried to build another team and yeah yo are the most helpful Smogon User from which I can ask anything.. So can you fix this team I made Your YT motivated me to COme back to ladder thx for that ;-;... Sorry to Disturb you again....
    Illusion master 2365
    Illusion master 2365
    Umm I can't Thank you enough for Responding... But You actually caught the exact Nerve... This is the very Problem I was Facing with The team, Lack of a Particular Playstyle... I was also very Confused on Iron Crown set as First I used Specs to Hit Hard and break teams but then had to switch to AV for defense against Fairies.. But Now You clarified all these Douubts.. Thank You SOoo Much...
    Illusion master 2365
    Illusion master 2365
    I Changed the team and it looks like this ... If You Wouldn't Mind can You just say me how to Utilise the mons Just in short, I don't want to waste your precious time... Thank You again!
    No worries! Landorus is typically going to be your lead (you may want to invest more speed to outpace other Lando leads), RM is a great early game breaker (I'd go taunt over roost to help weavile sweep), Primarina is your stallbreaker (go tera ghost for blissey seismic toss), pult is great for opposing HO and offense, and iron crown + weav are sweepers
    hey pinkacross! watching your youtube channel has been a morning routine for me. learned a lot and now ive been laddering with this team for a while and i seem to be doing good in it.. kind of, but i want to take it up a notch.. how would you shape this team?
    That's so nice to hear! :D This team looks pretty cool but there are some things I'd change. Go full on HO, the Prim set seems out of place. There are a lot of cool Prim sets that are more compatible with the fast pace of your team-- sub custap, sub cm psychic noise draining kiss, etc. I'd give one of those a try instead of AV and see how it goes! :]
    yoo thanks a lot pinkacross, would love to take this for a spin imma tell you how it goes! would love to have a friendly battle someday!
    Sounds good and good luck!
    hey, i'd be interested to hear what you'd have to say about this kinda weird weezing-g + hydrapple team i built:
    it's been working sorta well tho a lil inconsistent. started off building around weezing tho honestly hydrapple is the new star this thing is so fun to use lol
    thx for responding appreciate it

    are there any specific changes u could see working? tusk is kinda hard to switch into tbh so if i replace volc it defo needs to be smth that can handle that as volc is like the one mon that doesnt get blown up by ground + ice coverage. weezing can go but replacing it is weird cuz of the gliscor mu and losing toxic hurts especially vs stuff like hat and gouging fire.
    I don't see any quick changes that would fix the team, I would probably need to replace 2-4 pokemon-- in this position I would be inclined to go back to your original core, what you wanted to build around, but this time ensure that you have a way to break stall before you develop your team defensively.
    alright, thx for the feedback
    Hey Pinka Congratulations for your YouTube ... Btw I cooked with Deo-D and wanted you to Have a look at it... The team performed solid on ladder I am 1800s Now with it.. But tbh I Struggle a lot and i man it against Gliscor... Are there Some specific changes you would suggest? I just Hazard stack, Chip a whole lot with great tusk and dengo and Sweep with Meow...
    Illusion master 2365
    Illusion master 2365
    I actually Changed Psychic to ice beam Hits great tusk and gliscor pretty hard and I have bold nature im sorry
    I'd recommend HDB Great Tusk, other than that I can't think of any changes I'd make without major restructuring. I'm not sure I believe in Deo-D in general honestly, it doesn't seem to offer much as a Stealth Rock setter.
    Quite solid, but too weak to Gliscor in my opinion. I'd recommend Ice Spinner over Knock Off on Tusk and Ice Beam on Glowking.
    I had it recently, but i swapped ice spinner for rocks on tusk for knock. I overall struggle with ground types so i guess ill swap it out. Also, what would you think about rotom-W over alomamola?
    You'll want Alomomola here I think. Even though Rotom-Wash provides a ground immunity, there aren't a lot of Ground types in the tier that can get past Alomomola. It wouldn't hurt to make Alomomola Tera Flying though, just in case you run into a CB Tusk.
    You should really consider making a video on how to choose your lead pokemon. Its something i personally struggle with, and i think others might too.
    I wrote this idea down, thanks!
    Hi Pinkacross! Heres a fun Gogoat grassy terrain team I'd like to submit for your upcoming team rating video:

    The idea is for Gogoat to be a bulky mon that can set up on physical sweepers with bulk up and grass pelt (+1 def in grassy terrain). Obviously there are better possible options, but not as silly ones :)
    Hello Pinkacross I think i encountered you on ladder yesterday. Were you testing Hoopa?
    I was indeed! It's not going great, but I do love Hoopa-U!
    Great Stallbreaker, yeah. Was your Hoopa choiced? I like using mixed Hoopa with boots but choiced is unwallable. I was the Ursaluna Veil player. Sorry that I didn't respond to your hf msg, I had opponents ignored in my settings which I forgot to turn off. Just wanted to say gg.
    No worries, no offense taken! Yes my Hoopa was CB!
    Hi pinka. I like your vids they are entertaining and genuinely informative. Idk how you feel about national dex but I was hoping you could check out this team I made for the format. The first thing that jumps out is no electric immunity but this team is really fun and the immediate power of valiant, gouging fire and zard y is hard to fend off.
    also just realized my tapu koko still had EV from when I was using him as a special pivot.
    I'm glad you're enjoying the videos! :) This team looks like a lot of fun, but I honestly have little to no idea about NatDex stuff. I will say though, when running Alomomola and ZardY, having no electric immunity is definitely not acceptable if you're trying to build a top level team.
    My main issues are the Raging Bolt and Gouging Fire sets. Raging Bolt should almost never run Choice Specs, especially with both STAB moves having immunities and how Thunderclap functions, it really makes it a much worse pokemon. I'd recommend Leftovers, Wise Glasses, or Magnet instead.
    The issue with Gouging Fire is that the set you've chosen takes far too long to setup and be effective, Sun will be gone by the time you're ready to sweep. Swap to a more offensive variant with Heat Crash / Flare Blitz and Earthquake/DragonClaw/Outrage.
    CB is also an option.
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