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  • Not a problem at all. I am already in the room. My avatar should be jumping up and down when you come into the room.
    If this continues I might need to reset my router. If I need to do that it may be 5 minutes before I can get on.
    Give me a second my wi-fi is being a butt. Once I am on no problem but getting on pain in horses butt.
    Nah just the one will be fine. I will just be using it for breeding material to get a torchic with good I.V.'s with that move.
    You do not have to be to quick. I will not be back online for more than 24 hours anyway. Take you time I am in no rush.
    I believe that ponyta and rapidash have a similar ability as well. I believe the abilities that do that are flame body and magma armor. Also I have plenty of those chansey so I do not see me getting rid of them anytime soon. when ever you see me on all you have to do is remind me (I am getting pretty old so my memory is not what it used to be) and I would be glad to complete the trade.
    Can I make a suggestion? You said you were playing pearl right? I would take a pokemon with the ability flame body put it in the head of your party and deposit all the others in a box. Using the bike ride at high speed up and down thorough the little town where the day care is. There is a line that for every time you ride up and down the "track" you have gone 246 steps and while you are riding you can have the daycare checker on your bottom screen and just touch the screen every once in awile to see if another egg is ther and pick it up and ride some more. I do it all the time and I usually hatch around 30 eggs in 1 hr if not more
    My job just got its stack of USA todays and the paper says minn. got hit with a foot of snow. And the front page has a picture of the metrodome with a busted roof from the weight of the snow breaking it. Yikes and I thought my small city got hit hard.
    Yeah I realized what you meant after I posted my comment sorry. Also that night slash is perfect exactly what I was talking about too. Thank you for understanding what I was asking for since I usually have to spend 30 minutes explaining to others what I mean.
    By the way I feel like a twit for not asking this earlier. Do you know how long it might take you to get the male torchic?
    Not really. It means I do not have to work until tuesday at 2pm so I can get plenty of rest and let the city clean up all the snow on my day off. :) :)
    Only thing is I have been up and going since 12 noon my time. That was 13 hours ago. I had to work a double because of all the snow stopped the person relieving me from getting here.
    I actually think I am not going to be able to trade with that other person for 2 or 3 days because of their time zone. They are going to school right now and it is 2:30 am where I am so they have to be in england or something.
    I am also doing another trade with someone else on another site right now. He wanted 5 pokemon I had and I figured what the hey might as well.
    I have my palpad open with your name put in so all I need now is an FC to put in real quick.
    Surprise me with a HATCHED torchic male with moves it would not learn leveling up. or TMs for that matter. I have all the TMs except for explosion. I think that is TM 64 but cannot remember because I do not have my book with me. But the torchic must be male. I will be doing the breeding for I.V.'s myself. I may not be able to RNG like alot of the other people on this site but I have a real good chance of breeding a torchic with stellar I.V.'s myself.
    I am looking for a male torchic/combuskin/blaziken with rare moves I can breed in my soul silver game for I.V.'s you got anything like that?
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