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  • Greetings and salutations friend, if you happen to still have Kangaskhan, Nidoran female / male for trade I would sincerely appreciate it.
    3DS Friend Code: 0662 3148 6917
    IGN: Stranger
    Yup got a couple and you are welcome to them, won't be able to do a trade until tomorrow though. What's your timezone? I'm NZ
    Hey I noticed you opened a trade thread if you want something let me know I would be glad to help you out man.
    Its not really a trade thread its so anyone who wants those spitbacks can just have them. Still looking for a snorlax/munchlax (pref careful) and a HA shelmet (pref timid) if you have any of them kicking around. Thanks.
    I have a munchlax but I have a few breeding requests to get to but I will do your request soon after that and let you know when I have it
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