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  • Who did you battle? Were you battling someone from the PokeCommunity?
    They got bunch of losers there who DC'd at the end of the game all the time.
    Just like this guy: Live_Wire466(PokeCommunity name) / Yellow Flash(Smogon name)
    If you see this guy, BEWARE!!
    You don't have to give me anything but if you can clone, can you clone me Goon's Scizor? If not that's fine! ^^
    Aww that's so cute! xD

    I don't know how to make chocolate either, I just copy and pasted it from some forum xD

    Different forum? What other forums do you go to?

    I do have flawless Jolly Gligar with Baton Pass but I don't know if it's the Gligar you're looking for or not.

    Gligar has 2 different ability: Sand Veil & Hyper Cutter and one I got have Sand Veil ability not Hyper Cutter ability...
    Check this out:

    ( ';')
    (> )> █ i was like, totally gonna give u this chocolate bar....

    ..(o_o )
    █<( < but then i was like...

    (>█< im sooo hungry!!!

    (>█ < then i like ated it............
    Hehe you're welcome and thanks for accepting my friend request! ^^
    So what's up? :D
    Hey fellow noob!
    I'm noob and you're noob too so I say we become friend! xD
    *Friend Invite sent*
    GG, I don't know if I wanna be happy about how Dewgong did though, because a lot of what it did was helped when you threw up another Rain Dance. But yeah, water types are the only things I have enough of to make a monotype team. If it doesn't come from 1st gen in anyway I don't use it and I haven't quite trained the whole set yet.
    Yeah I just had to look and see if I even had 5 of the same type....turns out I did!
    Hahaha yup. I didn't expect Will-O-Wisp to do that much help.

    I was so mad because when I sent in my Flygon, I totally forgot that your Flygon was probably holding a Scarf (confirm that with me)

    That is why it probably outspeeded my Salamence in the beginning. I lost Flygon for no reason, thought it was gonna outspeed your Flygon
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