Porii Sames
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  • Lost due to a crit and paralysis discharge round 1 ms my Terrakion rock slide missing his pokemon the first 3 turns :/
    Are you serious? That is ridiculous, how long has it been now? At least a couple days.. do you know who banned you? Like, which mod or whatever?
    Daggum! That sucks :/ Okay, I'll just get on Smogon then (:

    Oh, and I'm sorry I didn't get on last night. I feel like a punk.
    1) I just noticed your picture on here was actually a Beedrill. Hahaha.
    2) I just finished battling against Pedo Bear. The nicknames for his Pokemon were truly hilarious.
    3) Be on PO tomorrow bro (:
    Upload the image to imgur.com or another hosting site, take the code on the left hand side under the bit that says "message boards", and copy paste it. Alternatively you could just grab an image url and put it in the tags
    Thanks! To be honest, I don't really play singles that much. I mainly play doubles. Speaking of which, are you going to Worlds?
    Lol ohh, that's a problem. :/ well, I know a ton of ppl so I guess they just hook me up. :X

    Btw, u Goin to worlds???
    Ah lol

    Do I know someone? Bro, the whole Smogon wifi trade section pretty much RNGs xD haha
    It's a team with me and some of my friends that actually has nothing to do with HP Poison. A while back, I swept with a Crocune with HP Poison; hence the name.
    so about the whole team hp poison thing, what is it? Obviously something troll-related hence the name.
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