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  • you see its not actually your job to go looking for what should or should not be allowed to be on site. i deleted posts that werent even 2 sentences long, and the mamoswine sets content was not cohesive with the set presented. it was inferior proposal in comparision to the sashmamoswine set with ice shard.
    The set you posted lacked one move which is necessary for the set to function properly. Stone Edge may offer you a way out against Gyarados, but Endeavor achieves the same goal with added benefits. It was not the best Sash Mamoswine set; let alone Mamoswine.
    In that case your post would have been more appropriate in our Simple Questions thread.

    The Technical Support thread is reserved specifically for troubleshooting Smogon PO issues, and I have it very clearly marked that you are to read the OP before posting.
    We don't handle PO bugs that aren't Smogon-specific. Next time, read the directions before posting.
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