Princess Emily
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  • Hi. Could I have this gal? x/31/31/31/31/31 Female Adamant Lure Ball Taillow (Defog, Brave Bird)
    Princess Emily
    Princess Emily
    Yipes, already reseved.
    I never knew I'll get 4 messages in one setting ^_^
    Oh. Thanks anyway :)
    still need someone for a "battle"? Also, in the future you're probably better off asking on reddit
    Princess Emily
    Princess Emily
    nvm, i'll try using keysav2 now, it doesn't require saving a battle vid i think...
    Let me know if you want that other egg hatching (2992) today. Should be free (on and off) for most of the day :).
    Princess Emily
    Princess Emily
    Didn't see your message until today :o
    Sorry I was busy. I wonder when can we meet again to hatch my egg.
    great!! would you like to trade now.
    Princess Emily
    Princess Emily
    lol, wrong part in my post to reply, but oh well...
    Also I've posted something in your profile
    Hi :) I was just wondering if you had a chance to catch the Absol/Growlithe yet?
    I'm a bit busy today so I won't be able to, sorry :(
    Princess Emily
    Princess Emily
    Oh ok :/
    Anyway, can you also transfer my 3 items from X to Y?
    Just them power items, so I can do the ev-training myself.
    I don't have access to my 3DS at the moment, I will be able to in a few hours but you might not need my help by then :|
    Hi again :D
    Is the adamant lando your offering banked?
    lol, I mean is it already in the bank xD
    Princess Emily
    Princess Emily
    oh it's still there in Bank.
    Though I can get it back...
    Besides for some reason, Bank already works in my home's wifi
    Its okay, just wanted to check again whether, this one can get stealth rock :D
    But it doesn't matter, I miss read your post, I actually don't have any of your wants xD
    Hi Princess Emily :D
    I like you adamant Landorus and azelf :3
    Can easily breed you 10 - 15 females spitbacks from your list if you like :) Although will obviously take some time :D

    Edit; The ones I can't do are Skrelp, HA Inkay, HA Bergmite, HA Noibat and HA Pumpkaboo. I don't have my DS on me but I'm pretty sure I have all other safaris
    Wow, I see that someone else got you a lot :D
    perhaps I should check back when I'm home to see if there is still any left for me to do xD
    Princess Emily
    Princess Emily
    Hehe ok...
    Who someone else? Quanyails? :p
    Well almost everything... but only you have the squirtles/wartortles I'm looking for :)
    Princess Emily
    Princess Emily
    Hmm are u here?
    Hi I have a luxury ball infiltrator noibat you can have for nothing if you want it?
    Princess Emily
    Princess Emily
    By the way, how do I extract a player icon from X?
    Such as the boy with the red hat from your sig...
    If you have a PGL account log onto which game you want the image from and then when you edit your sig choose the add image from url option and just copy the image address of the icon.
    Princess Emily
    Princess Emily
    OK thanks a bunch :]
    Hi there :D I have the HA luxury ball gogoat and the dusk ball, nest ball, and luxury ball HA phantumps you were looking for. They are straight from the safari, so they aren't competitively bred. I was interested the timid hp grass heatran in a premier ball. I was also curious if I could throw in some heart scales and an aggronite so I could get the mesprit too. Please let me know if you are interested ^^
    Oh, I see :3
    Well, I can get the other gogoat you wanted (HA premier) as well as all of the diggersby HA in the ball you want ^^ I might be able to get more, but I will have to check my friend safari thoroughly :p
    Princess Emily
    Princess Emily
    OK I hope we'll trade tomorrow.
    Hopefully you have something to add too :)
    Ok, look forward to it :3 I will definitely have a few more pokes to offer as well :3
    I saw your post in the 'complicated thread. I can get you: Dusk Infiltrator Noibat, Floette HA Lux/Prem/Nest, and Phantump natural cure. Would you do these 6 for your modest regice?
    I'm: 0920 0332 9984
    I can't stay on a browser right now, but I'll meet you ingame and we can trade once you've added me ^^
    Princess Emily
    Princess Emily
    hopefully all are females.
    I want both phantumps in nest & luxury too...
    so that makes 6 pokemons from you
    Princess Emily
    Princess Emily
    thanks :)
    do you still have your shiny Tornadus and shiny Landorus? I have all 3 female Pancham spitbacks on Luxury with Storm Throw as egg move
    Princess Emily
    Princess Emily
    Hmm didn't see you from the chat room...
    I actually forgot what are your offers...
    do you still want the other abilities PAnchams?
    Princess Emily
    Princess Emily
    you mean the other ball panchams?
    By the way, you haven't connected to my chat channel...
    It's kinda hard to talk here TBH :(
    I've got a Female Timer Ball Honedge spitback that you can have for free.
    My FC is 3179 6065 6936
    I can get you Klefki in all 3 balls, when I get off of work
    Princess Emily
    Princess Emily
    Natured klefki is fine :)
    Maybe I'll trade after my lunch now...
    I can trade 3 keys to you, they are only in the balls, part of projects I just don't have time for. Still they aerie yours if you want them. I can trade now if you are available
    Princess Emily
    Princess Emily
    Yes we can :)
    I'll tell you after I'm eating...
    I did play it for a while, yup! Never got around to RNGing on it though, unfortunately. I'm terribly rusty with my RNGing now xD;;
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