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  • i am a slurpuff. i haev a big belli and i drum my belli w/ hands if you dont repost this comment on 10 other pages i will get a 4x atk boost and sweep ur team
    when fite for lcpl (i'm gmt -7 and usually able to play when i'm not at school or asleep)
    possibly tomorrow? around 5 your team, because I'd like to record the match for my channel if that's cool
    yeah that should be fine i'll be in the lc room around that time
    Hi soulgazers favourite tutee, we fire for lcpl. I'm GMT +12, can battle from 8-10pm my time on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, or any time at the weekend (I think)
    hello pumphead, I am your opponent in the little cup tourney. I am GMT+1 and can play in a timespan from about 4PM to midnight my time. When would you like to play?
    yo pump, we are up for the minitour match ya? catch me on friday cuz i cannot do it earlier;
    your beloved Abs <3
    oh hey pumphead, I'm that lc sun guy. Btw love your post in uu viability thread

    >STAB aerial ace
    >coverage move
    Hi, I saw your friend safari on the google docs and I was wondering if you could add me! My fc is 3394-3570-4802 and my safari consists of Manectric, Dedenne, and Helioptile. Thanks!
    Added both! I play normally at various times of the day, but mostly around night during 8 p.m. to 1 a.m. est.
    Hi Would you mind adding my FC please ?
    My FC is 2165 - 6488 - 2401 (Mine have Rhydon, Pupitar and Nosepass)
    I kind of need to breed Gyarados ^-^,
    anyway my usual playtime is 9-12 am est , May I know your usual playtime please ?
    Look, I know that we don't know each other, but, can you add my Friend Code??
    it's 5086 - 2047 - 0566. Pokémons: Nosepess, Onix, Ryhorn! I really what your FC's pokémons.
    Where are you from??? I from Brazil (-3)
    Sorry for my English, if I wrote something wrong
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