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  • I'm gonna make sure I put in your FC right because we should have seen each other
    If the pokemon holding the masterball has to be on my White then I'll have to wait until my AR is done updating.
    ah...maybe a riolu?
    I guess you could rng it, transfer it then we could trade...
    we would have to set up a time frame though, and if you would want something in return...
    Nah, i'll be fine for now. really appreciate the offer though. I'd actually rather you RNG something for me... but I probably don't have anything that would perk your interest. once the 3ds comes out i'll probably be able to transfer.
    Thank you, I'm still really upset that it ended up like that, but hopefully it was for the best.

    For all I know there could've been a mad gunman running through the mall that day or something...
    Oh man....I completely forgot about that. D: I'm very sorry, I'll head online right now.
    You're welcome.

    I wish I can enter into the tournament someday. Hopefully I will.

    Good luck
    I guess I'll want it in 15 minutes then. I have to go eat dinner now though
    These pokemon that I gave to you are super Rare and good iv'd pokemon.

    You can train them and use them to battle in the tournament. They can help you try to win.

    Electrode - Water hp
    Raikou - Ice hp
    Staryu - Ground hp
    Entei - Ground hp
    Consider these 6 pokemon gifts and for good luck if you're planning to go to the tournament. :)
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