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  • Why the heck would I disconnect? I screwed myself. Besides, better to let you move on to the next opponent. The crit hurt, but whatever. GG
    My internet has been screwey all day. I'm not sure if you still want to battle me.

    What's worse, I'm on a losing streak (mostly because of hax, but I do tend to lose my marbles when that happens and it makes it worse) and haven't won a fucking battle in two days, which is making me look bad.
    I'll do the calc again on a different site you do the same we'll work this out

    63.5% - 75.2%
    tried the calc again and got the same result for the third time what did you get?
    I Did the same damage calc on more than one site and got the result that shadow claw 2hkoes on all of them
    wasnt me either. well, GG man. let's hope we can have a complete battle sometime in the future
    Weird, lol. I had that happen in SoulSilver as well.

    And no, there was no chance that Dragonite could have survived that. I meant the one on Thundurus.
    GG. I wish those crits hadn't happened, but that's pokémon for you.

    BTW, the D/C at the end wasn't caused by me.
    I swear, this thing is out to make me look bad; always d/cs at times like that. Really sorry, wasn't on purpose or anything.

    GG :P Dustox crit was unfortunate, but expected.
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