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  • All I needed. I was going to manipulate you into reporting me to the blacklist, but then I realized that it would be too mean to do that.

    Which one had Grass Knot, BTW?
    Comm error =( Do you want to go at it again by boosting the same stats and me sending out only that last guy I had against your three? There were rocks up, though, so you set up while I set them and then feel free to kill my SRer.
    do the calcs yourself if you don't believe me.
    focus blast doesn't one shot ferro anyway.
    calm down. don't talk to me about luck. if my starmie/ politoed had hit 1 more hydro pump i would've won. crit on reunicles didn't even matter.
    Genie's aren't the same pokemon btw. so species clause doesn't come in effect.
    you should read the rule species clause better. i'm not breaking any rule.
    GG, you actually won by 1 hp :P
    Something must be wrong with your wi-fi, because I see your character sprite but I don't see your name listed at the bottom
    well ive gotten on smogon four times in the past 2 weeks looking for battles and three out of those four i asked "standard OU?" and you ignored my request and asked for a battle so then i have to ask again and you usually get a battle i should have.. pretty annoying so you chill lol. just go have your little battle big guy and next time you do it ill just do the same thing. thanks for being so polite!
    dude its annoying. you know it is so it is your fault and you do it like literally every time i ask for a battle
    my poor new team :/ .. those to game changing crits idk about.. but you can't control that so its okay.. good game
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