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  • Yeah.. I wasn't sure if calibrated delay was necessary on these ones. I can re-enable that.
    Hey. I was going to add a help link when I get a chance. I was wondering if you'd mind me linking to your guide from the program?
    Ahaha, yeah. Hopefully it'll all end up well ^_^

    And lolz! You're so prepared! Ahaha, I look forward to seeing them :) Good night and sweet dreams ^_^
    Oh dear...that avatar is just oh so cute! I think quite possibly your cutest one yet, ahaha. For me at least, XD.
    Winter Holiday for me starts soon - it's after this coming Tuesday! I got the 8th badge in HG/SS so expect some abuses soon from all your great help ^_^ I want a Dive Ball Ninetales! :D And of course Timid/Modest Specs Kingdra, haha - if I can figure out encounter slots for fishing that is :/
    Oh yeah, I forgot. Lol.

    But no matter, Maybe the one with the Rivarly would come in handy. Thanks.

    Do you still want me to give you credit points for them?
    Chuck the little purple poop out, lol. It's just a pokemon. Or you can use it as an in game poke. It's ok.
    No, that's ability zero. Sorry. You'll have to wait until I someday beat the E4 on the HG adamant game.
    Use the platinum fc.

    And No, I'm not talking about the 5th gen. game. I wanted to talk about.... well... something that happened on smogon before you got here.
    Hey Riski sensei, After we're done trading, can you and I talk for a few minutes please? That is if you have time?
    Not right now, Cause I'm in school. But I should be back in one hour. ;)

    When I get enough time to RNG abuse on the 5th gen. I would like to start rng capture the two new fighting type pokemon first. (The Blue and the Red karate fighter pokemon)
    Well.... Sensei, Since I don't have any pokemon left in the 4th gen. to RNG abuse, I feel like I'm ready to start RNG abusing 5th gen. pokemon now.

    But first I need to get my homework and my finals done and when I'm finished, I'm gonna continue learning how to rng abuse on the 5th gen game so I can get some of my own 5th gen. pokemon to catch up to you guys and so you can also get some from me for the credit points that I owe you. :)
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