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  • Okay. Thank you for Swellow, let me know if there is anything else you want :)
    Oh, one thing. Regice is Japanese so nicknames are a max of 5 letters. It would also need someone to transfer to to my othe rgame since I don't have 2 DS'
    Hold on. I'm checking some IVs. As soon as I am done with them, I'll get on with Mewtwo.
    The previous VM was deleted because it was meant to be posted on another profile but I didn't want to have the same thing posted on two places so I deleted it not knowing that it would look like that =P
    Oh, another request, I forgot about it =/

    Could I get Double Edge tutored onto it too ? As I said, I'll trade you whatever pokes you want for it.
    The first one should be fine as long as the HP is low enough. Take as long as you need, I'm in no big rush :)
    I don't mind too much, I'm mostly looking for 5-/31/5-/x/25+/31 and hasty + counter move tutor.
    Lol...sorry, I'll send you a friend request so you can :P

    I'm asking for less that 5 in HP and Defense, others can be 31.
    Do you mean less than 5 in each defensive stat or that it can be any defensive stat? I could do it since getting 31 in only speed and attack would be really easy and I am interested in some of your pokes. I'd post a VM in your profile, but the forum says I can't.
    Are you taking emerald breeding requests ? A hasty swellow woith counter would be nice. Something like 5- / 31 / 5 - / x / 31 / 31 would be perfect. I would pay a few pokes from my thread (check the V in my sig but don't post )
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