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  • Hey we're dpp opponents! I'm gmt -6 and usually on in the evening (except tonight, I'm working) so let me know when you want to battle
    Hey, I'm sorry I missed you. Computer crashed HARD around 3:20 and I have spent the last hour and 22 minutes reviving it. I will check again between 7 and 8 and should be able to be on the whole time, lest my computer be stupid again.
    I'm here. For now, I'm on a different Computer , and my PO Name is TorrentMudkip here, but I can't Battle on this Computer , and I don't have my Team set up here, but I should be on the other Computer soon!
    Well, I should be here sometime this week, but this is my last week of soccer!

    Also, how's the revision going?
    Well I'm here for now, and on PO , but I've got some other stuff to do, so I won't have long today to get tutored. Sorry! :P
    Well, I'm not sure what happened, but I'll just VM you the answer! :)

    I actually did when I joined, but it wasn't of a very good Team , my first Weather Team actually, a Rain Team . They aren't very good, though! Sometime I want to make a RMT of the Team I just loaded, and I like how they are now, but I'm sure that they can be improved! :P :D :)

    Well, hope to see you soon, if not today, I should be on this time tomorrow, maybe even a little earlier, but not very likely.
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