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  • Sorry but not today. I'm working tomorrow and I can't stay so late. But as I say, I can play when I'm back after work
    I'm your opp for unscrupulous tourney. When are you available ? I'm GMT+2 and can play the week after 6pm my time.
    sorry, i think this won't work, will you be available 21:30 monday(your time)?
    ok, so we're prolly going to play 15:00 or 16:00 your time, is monday a good day for you?
    ok, i'm gmt -3 and i'll be available pretty much everyday at night, maybe not on friday

    what day is fine for you?
    I won't be online at that time, but if you can do it tomorrow, we can.
    Just VM me whenever you want to play.

    EDIT: Looks like you missed our scheduled time.
    Are you taking the win? Just let me know so I can cross this tournament off of my list. I'm okay if you are, I just want some confirmation because I didn't see you last night.
    Hey, you won a coinflip for BW2 but if you still want to meet tomorrow to actually play our match I would love that.
    I understand you might want a free tournament win instead of risking a loss for no additional gain but I would still love to play you.
    sorry didn't realize I had to work today
    tomorrow? What are your play-times? Also, if you get on Grotto now-ish I can play.
    Hi there we need to battle for tourney so let me know what your time is, mine is gmt +1
    Sorry, I did miss you.
    Let's play on PO sometime very soon. Like tomorrow or today. VM me the time that works best and don't bother staying in there for hours unless I respond to you and say that works. ok?
    I'm from Spain (GMT +2). I can play tonight at 22:00 (more or less, hour from Spain). I'm going to stay in Groudon's Grotto (Po's Server) ok?
    howdy. i'm gmt -5. i was a bit busy over the past couple days. can you give me a time next week (starting sunday), or a general time of day that you can play and we'll go from there?
    I'll be on Groudon's Grotto at 22:00 GMT +2! I don't really have a favorite simulator, but I guess we can play on PO. I'll post my team in a couple of hours, since I'm leaving my house right now. See ya later!

    edit: no BW2 team please :<
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