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  • Hi there! Would you mind adding my Friend Code? I would really appreciate it! Mine is 5300-9214-1882 (Pansear, Larvesta, Braxien).

    Thank you!
    Look, I know that we don't know each other, but, can you add my Friend Code??
    it's 5086 - 2047 - 0566. Pokémons: Nosepess, Onix, Ryhorn! I really what your FC's pokémon.
    Where are you from??? I from Brazil (-3)
    Sorry for my English, if I wrote something wrong
    Hi, it would be awesome if you could add me to your Fairy Safari. My FC is 3308-4548-1261. Thank you in advance :)

    I see you have a Togepi in your safari, I tried breeding a normal one but it takes ages to get a safari would be a real help to me. I already added you I hope you'll add me !! This is my safari 1719-3286-6459 not the best but it has a starter in it.

    Thx in advance

    Gr, Mouseke
    ey men you have a spurr male ?
    I'm currently breeding for them. If you want one, just shoot a request in on my thread so I don't forget. I rarely come on my profile page.
    Hello. I saw your FC listed and I'd like to exchange Codes for my Safari.

    My FC is 0130 - 2381 - 4251

    Thanks in advance!
    Hey, for now I'll only need that Politoed which would be great for an hp ice Electrike since I have a female in stock. So just 1 for 1, but in a few days I'll have decided which Croagunk ability I want and hopefully I'll have a female Larvesta for you.
    Hey there mate would you mind adding my friend code? It is 2079-7334-0130. I am a dragon type and have Fraxure, Dragonair and Sliggoo. Thanks!
    Hey, saw your name on the friend safari. I'm looking to pick up some togepi if possible. My FC is 1822-0346-8546. My safari has Cloyster, Snorunt and Bergmite.
    please add my on safari for a day, fell free to remove me afterwards. 2964-8858-8160 I would really like to snag up a few togepis I'm electric. electabuzz, pachirisu and manectric
    I'm really sorry, I've been very busy, please PM me later on tonight to remind me and I'll add you. I usually don't look at my wall lol.
    Due to an overflow of FC requests, please PM me the Pokemon you have in your safari. My friend's list is almost full.
    Hey, I saw your Friend Safari info on the spreadsheet! I was wondering if you could add me back? Thanks
    5129 0810 1290
    Please PM the Pokemon you have in your Safari :).
    I have Psychic: Espurr, Xatu and Grumpig
    Greetings! I found you on the spreadsheet and added you. Can we exchange friend codes for safari? I would be much obliged, been lookin for togepi safari. My FC is 0361-7330-0756
    Thank you!
    Please PM the Pokemon you have in your Safari :).
    I have a flying safari: Spearow, woobat, and hawlucha. Hope it works out
    Hey man! I added you as you had requested Tuesday. Sorry it took a few days. I hope you will consider adding me! Definitely looking for Togepi!
    Hey I just added you as I'm interested in getting a Togepi from your FS. Don't worry I sign into PSS :P My friend code is: 2723-9089-0141 and my FS has (Bug type): Combee, Illumise, and Heracross. Thank you in advance! -Hao
    I'm sorry, I just can't at this time, I already have that Safari :(. Thanks tho!
    Dang, alright! No worries. Thanks anyways.
    Hey guys, I would like to apologize in advance, but I have to delete people off my FC list that are not signing on the PSS. Sorry!
    hello, friend. I just saw that you have Togepi in your Safari and I have been on the hunt for one. If you don't mind, can we exchange Codes? Mine is: 0404-6865-7963

    Thanks in advance for considering this ^_^
    Like the others, I saw you on Google Docs. If you don't mind, my FC is 4656-6576-5182. Togekiss is mah waifu!! Thanks in advance.
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