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  • Ru open, gmt +7, available after 10 pm everyday or anytime but extreme midnight at sunday
    Hey! We're paired for RU Open R1. I'm GMT+1; free everyday usually from 8/9 AM to 8 PM. When can you play? I'd personally prefer playing on Thursday or Friday. Also, I'm MFJr The King on PS.
    Hey bro I will have to online very early so we can play since we have a lot of time difference, I will make a sacrifice and if u are online to play a game
    Thanks for being comprehensive but I'd like you to be more precise with your time so, I can precisely know when I have to be online
    we have to fight for xy ubers tour. im gmt +2 and i guess i'll find you one of my nights on showdown
    let's play for ubers open this weekend. i'm free from 6-10 pm sunday (-4). gimme a specific hour and we can work from there
    u almost have my own schedule, I can play every day after 6 pm and on sundays throughout the afternoon and evening gmt -4
    yoo let's play right at 6
    I'm online, are u?
    I'll be on ps! the rest of the day as fireburn whenever you want to get our open set done
    I'll look, I have some ugly days and little time because of work, I make a great effort for us to play before the time limit
    waiting on smogtours whenever you show up, I'm studying for exams so I may not respond immediately
    I'm online
    Hey we play for the eggbreaker tournament. My timezone is GMT +2 I can play Thursday 4pm - 5:30pm and 7 pm-10pm and in the weekends i'm free.
    I can play every day after 6 pm because I work and go out at that hour, on sunday I have all day free (gmt-4) play.pokemonshowdown.com/eg I'm always in that room after the time that I said
    we're paired for ubers open, timezone is est, when do you want to play? I'll be busy until next wed so after then would be ideal
    hey I had a change of plans today and the time I gave you earlier won't work anymore. I can reschedule for anytime starting Tuesday at 6 pm. sorry about that :[

    we can still play today if you'll be on late tonight (like maybe 10-11 pm or so)
    looks like we missed each other this past weekend, I'll be free thursday evening and most of this weekend to get it done
    ok bro, I'll be more active these days
    Yo, I'm on the server you mentionned but I never see you. Do you have the same username ? And btw, do you want to play soon ?
    u can find me as IcouldBetheN.1
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