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  • Miss you lots, brother. Unsure of your whereabouts but I hope you're kicking it in life, (and even if it isn't, better things are to come). You're one of the greatest ppl I've met on this website, genuinely <3..

    I always loved Barry being so impatient that he literally bumps into doors and people throughout your adventure in gen 4. The big THUD in the textbox alongside the noise it makes has still never failed to make me grin
    Just wanna let everyone know that I’m good,healthier then I’ve ever been and ready to kick of my third Tour in NY ina couple days ! Also be careful,Hot Cheetos are one hell of a drug aha ! love you all ! “Be Safe” Coming soon !
    Oi bes of luck m8
    hey, we play for UUFPL. Im gmt-6 and available most days between 2 pm and 11 pm my time. If possible, I'd like to play Saturday at 5pm my time but if that doesnt work for you just lmk and we can figure out a time that works :)
    Uufpl, can we do Friday evening your time? Im GMT +5.5 and i have some exams starting Monday so I'd like to be done w it by sat morning my time
    Sure, what time would be best for you Friday
    Aigislash is God tier and idk why people don't see that. I am maining Aigislash and it is just op. I can easily take on 3 on 1s and come out with a third of hp left so idk why people are ranking it so low. I know the mobility isnt top notch but it doesnt require much movement in my way of play as when u destroy the opponents u have plaenty of time to score and farm more.
    Learn to cope and accept your teammates mistakes Half of this sub is just people complaining about teammates lol. Seriously it's the littlest of things. Please learn to deal with them in healthier ways. In order for you to play this game, a TEAM game, learn to cope and move on. It's tiring to read day in and day out. It's only human to get frustrated but man lol
    Who wrote such an insightful post
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