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  • if only I had a jirachi wondercard or event stored somewhere :P
    anyways, I already have an UT version here with me along with a clone, feel free to keep a copy of it once you get done ev'ing it of course :D
    haha, yeah its an odd 11 days ago since I asked for EV trainers and since you replied in vm to me ;)

    Spika Heya. I'm up for EV training for you if you'd like. What would it take for me to get your Mewtwo? I'm way too exhausted to take a deeper look into the thread, but that's what I'm interested in right now. xD;
    *the number in front includes the clone, so 2 clones and 1 original if it says 3
    3 arron's
    3 magnezones
    4 snorunt
    3 frosslass
    3 ralts
    ok sounds good, ill be online in about 5-10 mins meet me on, ill send u a VM with the pokes I need cloned and how many of them, theres quite a few...
    Sorry I don't but I have gotten another offer for one I can do so I will be fine. I will be on the lookout for any of your wants though.
    Sorry I don't have any of those... I am catching a flawless Naive Azelf if you want that =P
    The movesets are in the show/hide thing on post 7 thing
    Six pokes done tomorrow, PP maxd, move taught =3 each so 18 credits + 6 for cloning 24 Credits.

    Lol enough to buy my whole thread x]
    Lol those are reserved for another guy he pmd me before i even posted in SQSR so i didnt get time to edit my thread :/
    The spreads are on post 7 of my thread but since there are some doubles its:
    Dual screen Cress spread
    Reg Uxie spread
    Polish Groudon
    The only Bulbasauar
    The only Rayquasa
    The only Nidoran

    Goodluck and Vm me when done =)
    ill give you 6 to ev but since we are short on time you can give me the UT's after they are done but DONT FORGET LOL
    lol ill add you again so ill give you the pokes and give them back tomorrow? any name will work bowser is fine
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