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  • K ill vm you after the trade and is it okay if you clone 6 pokemon? 1 credit =1 pokemon. 1+ original.
    Okay im going on but also do you wanna Ev train? read post 7 in my thread for deatails
    Thanks for the help, I appreciate it.

    Gastly - Hasty, 31/31/31/31/31/30 HP Ice

    Pineco - Relaxed, 31/31/31/10/31/0
    Alright. Are you available right now? If you are, I'll hop on wi-fi soon... I just need to add your FC. Thanks. I'll give you IV's after we're done.
    either works for me. i will just breed it to get mine xD
    can you trade in ~1 hour?
    do you have any semi decent spitbacks from breeding? i am willing to trade it for 1
    hey, i have a toxicroak with fake out. contact me back if you're interested :S
    Hahah I forgot that someone else has my Weavile right now- I'm picking it up and then I'll get a clone for you. Gimme like three minutes <3
    Since my AR is very sketchy, I wanted to pick these up first and then do all the cloning at one time. It's retarded like that and takes like 20 resets for it to work =P
    Okay- just gonna clarify.... I'm gonna pick up a Lotad, NN and clone it back for you, then send you a Weavile and Toxi too, right?
    I don't have a Palkia either, but I do have this Weavile... Already EVd for your convenience. HOWEVER you neeeeed to read this thread for info on what to do if it comes up as a false positive on a hack check. The system wasn't updated to take the cherish ball into account from last years Worlds Competition, but Mike Liesek said they fixed it up. Just wanna give you a heads up before hand that it really isn't hacked haha

    Mattj's World09 Weavile
    IVs: 31/31/31/9/31/31
    Moves: Fake Out/Ice Shard/Night Slash/Brick Break
    EVd 252 Atk/40 Def/216 Spe
    Could you nickname it Suijin for me? :D That would be terrific. Also, do you have a Flawless timid Palkia? I could trade you mind if you could nickname yours for me. x.o xD; And I think the Toxicroak's moveset is perfect. (=
    Do you need me to moveset the Toxicroak any differently? I'll do it beforehand. Lmk what you want the Lotad named and I'll send you back a sweet awesome copy for tomorrow annnnnd I think that's it. If you need some ubers, I have a couple of those as well. ^_^ No ogres, tho (I imagine that's something you'll be using on your team =P)
    Do you need anyyyyything else for your team tomorrow? I have a vast selection. And mhmm... I can get any other moves on the Toxicroak for you. Here's what it looks like atm:

    Syberia's Toxicroak
    Adamant/Dry Skin
    IVs: 31/31/31/7/29/31
    Moves: Bullet Punch/Fake Out/Cross Chop/Sucker Punch
    Availability: L50 EVd 252 Atk/252 Spe/6 HP

    If you want me to NN the Lotad for you, just send me back the copy you EVd, I'll clone it and reNN it and send it back.
    Actually... did you need the Ludi/etc for your VGC team? Cause I can totally give you a flawless Toxicroak if you need it for tomorrow. Already EVd. =)
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