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  • Hey if you need cloners for the pikachu, I can do that for you. I even posted on you thread.
    hello, i was wondering if you could clone my hoothoot for me. I got it from someone who said it was rng'd to be shinny but i have no idea if it is. Anyway id like some clones of it, i am having a bit of trouble finding a clonner :( if you can help me out just VM me thanks!
    And ofcourse you can keep a copy if you want, id like the original back though :)
    Ok I will :)
    I was thinking about adding some more and im trying to find a few things that others could do :)
    Okey doke :)
    Ill come on with 3 junk Pokemon and you send over 3 eggs
    Ill hatch two, and keep one egg, and a shiny for myself, and then ill send a shiny to you ^_^
    Add my Plat FC please, i need to catch some fodder and ill be on thanks again!
    No thanks, I dont need a copy of it non shiny because if I have the egg and people want it non shiny they can hatch it themselves :)
    And of course you can ^_^
    Umm I guess pick up to 6 things if you want now or save some for later? :^_^
    Date wont really matter =/
    Id like the hatch location to though
    Ummm I like Amity Suare
    Trainer School
    Trophy Garden
    Pal Park
    Which of those do you like the most? :D
    And yes please id like 2 copies of the Egg ^_^
    Awesome! Glad it didnt give you any trouble ^_^
    Just VM/PM me bacj whenever you come online and hopefully im available, and you can pick the 6 things you want from my thread and PM me it, youll ave to clone and send a copy back of each pokemon thouhg :x
    :D Nice! Glad you got it!
    Hope the frame is nice as well because either do it with an AR in and clone the egg and then hatch one to verify OR
    Do it without an AR and save as soon as you hit your delay and hope you hit your frame :x
    If not you gotta start over DX
    No you MUST have 6 Pokemon in your party when you are doing the taps ok?
    Or else it WILL NOT work :(
    It doesnt matter or not if the parents are in the party :)
    Yes, but if it has the right nature (timid)
    then youll know if you got it ^_^
    Or unless you had the EXACT same ID/SID as me then it would XD
    Yup once you have done the required amount of taps deposit the parents :)
    Then wait untill an egg is generated SAVE
    and then collect the egg and verify if its shiny ^_^
    Ok first you hit your delay (unless your not using the time finder)
    And then you do the 10 Verification Coin Flips (only if your using the time finder)
    And once you hit your delay
    Go to the Happiness checker ONCE
    And DOUBLE tap it two times (like tap tap so the pokemon jump)
    And then do however more coin flips it says (if any)
    Hey, I've got a question about the resetting you mentioned you did for your Cyndaquil. How was it that you managed to find your total seconds and delay? I'm at a total loss here because RNG Reporter isn't giving me any answers when I try to find my seed through IVs, and I've been looking through adjacent times and delays for the seed I'm trying to land on and not getting anything. :/
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