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  • So be it. If you have the means to copy 5th generation pokemon (which I assume you do), then I can arrange for it tomorrow. Otherwise, I'll annoy Lebowski until he copies it for me. He's still working on our Wooper, so I'll select something off the thread for it, yes?
    I apologize. I've been rather negligent lately, but I will endeavor to get back to you shortly.
    Bye, And have a good day at school.
    Ill just be RNG'ing / EV training
    Well. I should get started... On your espeon.
    Lol, um, finish your breakfast?
    I know, iFly told me that last night XD
    I know, But I have alot to give you. xD
    So makesure you catch a bunch of fodder kay?
    Its okay. So besides The DW pokemon you want, abra, the chatots, what elese do you need?

    Today i giess is the last day to do breakout, I am borrowing a laptop to do so.
    So when you get home, it should be ready. :)
    We should get ready for the weekend, And I am about to beat that brealout game for you
    Good Night SunshineCat and sweet dreams <3
    Good Luck on your story
    Have a good day at school.
    Looks like i missed you by mere seconds. :/
    And I missed you again last night also. :(

    Well anyway, see you
    Hey sunshine... XD
    Ready for school,

    Ill do it tommorow, dont worry. )
    Sunshine, i forget the The Global Link is closed on tuesdays, and it is tuesday...
    i will try tommorow...
    Have a good sleep sunshine. :)
    Yeah, see you

    Oyasuminesai <3
    go to sleep then xD
    I got your Pm. discuss tommorow?
    sunshine! I hate accounting i swear.
    check my new RNG! meet you in the usual spot if I am not sleeping yet Xd
    Sounds good

    Smogon befire school? XD
    3 mins...
    Lol true.
    I vote ignore.
    Did you ever get that last PM?
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