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  • So those are all the pre-evos. Tradebacks for the rest please. Slowking first
    Hey. I have all those pokemon you listed and I am willing to help. I would suggest using pokecheck as it would be much easier but if you are against it, it is fine.
    I can give you these for free:
    Snubbul, spinarak, venonat, ekans, gulpin, makuhita, burmy, glameow and meloetta. The meloetta is RNGed so it is flawless.

    We will need to do tradebacks for the other pokemon. PM/VM me when you are ready.
    Well, it isn't so much moderating than studying to take the ACT and hopefully get into the college I want. xD
    I fell asleep on IRC the other night. Sorry for missing you again, I just had a long day at work. v_v
    Anyways, the original nicknames you gave them are great, so please keep them :D
    As for Trapinch, nickname it whatever you think suits it best. I can't come up with one honestly. >.<
    I'll nickname the mons and shift them today so I should be set sometime tonight to trade. If you want to, that is. xD
    If you're still in need of those 4 Pokemon cloned, I can do so if you wish? Let me know.
    I can clone the Pokemon for you. Just let me know which game you will be using (I'll probably be using B2) and when you want to do the trade. I can even do it for free! (though getting some of the Pokemon on my list would be nice, and that is still presuming that you haven't found someone else to do it for you to.)
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