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  • Sup, please GP check UU Raikou. Its already had 1 GP and 2 amateur checks so it shouldn't take too long. Located on the front page of the sub-forum.
    Hey Telamonioan, that GP check on Scyther was pretty boss. But, if you ever see something THAT bad again, just let me or Fate know, and we'll get a different person to do the whole analysis or we will at least talk to the OP. You shouldn't have to re-write the whole article like that lol.
    Hey, could you GP check my Arcanine article for OU? I know you did it a while ago, but I've added a few more paragraphs. Thanks so much for your help!
    No need to GP anymore, GP team this morning went on a run and finished all three of mine. The only one I have one more needed for is UU Altaria at this point.
    No rush on this, but I need a GP check on Bulbasaur, Deerling, and Charmander, all in Little Cup if it's all right.
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