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  • "Where do I go about approving these tokens, etc.?"

    I see people claiming Battle Points (BP) at Rising_Dusk's Subway Claim Thread while everything else is at the regular Prize Claiming thread.
    ...Not sure yet. Blitzle's gaining threat a LOT more rapidly than I expected, and despite having +4 special attack (Sigilyph with Hidden Power Ground can draw threat with surprising ease) it can't really hurt much.

    As a Zebstrika it will probably do a lot better, as then I can give it Overheat to abuse those special attack boosts with.
    I've actually got my 3rd slot filling right now, just looking for a ref. However, I've got a battle that will finish VERY soon (the opponent has 1 HP and isn't trying anything fun), so you can go ahead; I'll accept within a day.
    Haha, that post in our battle was great. Though you might've spoiled the ending to those who haven't played/finished the game...lol
    Wait -- really? w00t! :D

    I also drew a body for Glalie's head. I'm not sure, but I think Ampharos was involved somehow... I'll need to dig up the sketchbook.
    Geez...I have pure light, and that "laugh" of yours is a sign of evil! Just letting ya know.

    I figured out the problem. My version of the damage calculator has a glitch- whenever I input "Honchkrow" in it, it lists Honchkrow's SpD stat as ***** instead of **. Ice Beam now deals 20.5 (18.75 at -1 SpA) damage. Good catch.
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