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  • snivy and no prob i got you a calm gothita by the way and salamence and vulpix carry pokerus im already over there

    P.S. does it matter what name i put you i marked you as dead??
    k then i do not want the gallade im looking for JOLLY gallade but what can you give me for the gothita?
    i live in australia, melbourne. the nature of gallade is bold or something that promotes attack, and i have a modest rueniculus (note that gallade came from a time when i didnt know what ev training was. sorry) rueniculus isnt ev trained either, and i dont really care about gothitas nature. ill just breed it with a ditto. and i already have one =)
    ok i´ll take your gallade it looks like if you have evrything i want lol where do you live anyways??

    EDIT what nature on Gallade and Reuniclus and what nature you want your Gothita?
    ok then i´ll want aerodactyl and kabuto also i can give you my Drought Vulpix i´d breed one it got female JOLLY -.- but then i catched a Modest Natured ditto so i just put the Evestoneso my Adamant Zangoose, and my Impish Salamence and Drought Vulpix for your Aerodactyl and Kabuto and scizor

    P.S. im not gonna askabout the argument because that would be stalkerish BTW where do you live? P.P.S.S. I ADDED YOU AS DEAD
    ok i wanted to ask if u could GIVE AWAY a latiasor acizor or a breed of scizor??? please dont screamat me or get mad
    hmm, ice beam DOES present a point on raon teams trust me i have battled tons of ferrothorns on rain teams and they are extremely BULKY wiyh or without rain
    thing is, Ferrothorn is extremely bulky and it can be quite hard to OHKO it especially on rain teams. Starmie doesn't win Ferro, it's the other way round. Ferrothorn is no. 1 in OU for a damn good reason.
    >implying Starmie ever has Focus Sash, plus Rapid Spin will cause Starmie to kamikaze if that happens.

    use a Taunt lead to prevent hazards if you are worried about Ferrothorn.
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