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  • I have a rotom without HP Ice and a chandelure with HP fighting. Idk if you want one of those...
    I can trade now.. Or probably some time this evening.
    EDIT: Well, I have to clone those pokes first, then I can trade ^__^
    Sorry man, same case as voodoo, i do have a jolly one, but without HP Ice and it's not mine, so not for trade :x
    My only Tornadus doesn't have HP Ice, and it's from a friend so I dunno if he'd want me to trade it.
    Sorry, I don't have a Tornadus and I'm probably never getting one. =\
    And thanks, but I don't give out my address to people online...
    I can trade now real quick. ;)
    EDIT: btw, it doesn't know Fake Out and Detect ATM, but it learns them by level-up, so I didn't think you'd mind.
    I do have a Normal gem, I believe... I'm busy at the moment, but I can trade it later. =P
    Yep, if you download the .pkmn file and transfer it with a fake GTS, not directly from Pokecheck... If you can't figure it out, I can just trade you a copy. Other than that, it's 100% legit, though. =)
    Okay, glad you found what you needed. And no problem; give me a holler if you need anything else. ^__^
    Yep, I can do that. I have the Cresselia already; it does have straight 31 IVs though, including speed. Hopefully this isn't too much of a problem.
    I'll have to breed the metagross. I'm guessing you want 0 speed IVs on it? Do you have any preference as far as shiny/non-shiny?
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