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  • Hey, when do you want to play for spl? I'm gmt+8, sometime my sunday night would be best, but if that doesn't work lmk your availability and I'll see what I can do
    that's a little late for me, any way you could do slightly earlier than that like 2-3 hours? otherwise i can do tomorrow roughly this same time too if that works better
    Not sure if I can commit to any time tmr as I'm pretty busy all saturday, but I'll let you know if I can. Otherwise, I don't mind staying up a bit on Sunday, up till 1am mine which would be noon yours. Does that work?
    i can try for that time, but would love to knock it out tonight or tomorrow if possible
    tof-sama, hows doing man? Been a while! Very happy to see you back for SPL :pimp:Come on discord whenever, always fun to hang out time with you
    hey dude. thanks. hope you're doing well!
    When do you wanna play for SPL? I can't do Friday or Sunday at all and would prefer to play Saturday, but I can likely accommodate some times during the week if you can't play on Saturday.
    Ok if it’s later I’ll let you know but has to be that day since you can’t play 2/3 days after. Thanks.
    Cannot play tomorrow traveling all day. Saturday I’ll have to find time in the evening, does that work?
    Yep evening on Saturday works. I appreciate the accommodation!
    Yo when do you wanna play for SPL ? I'm gmt+1 and i'd prefer the weekend (except saturday evening +1), let me know what works for you
    Looking forward to your 100% focus season
    i'm ready bud (i think lol)
    Only a couple of days left before draft, you gonna catch it?
    Hello teacher, can I learn from you? ;)
    you'll get more marginal utility from asking one of the better players nowadays, I'm pretty washed. good to see you playing again and a bit more mature than the past :)
    The SPrinkLer
    Hahaha I asked this as a joke because I thought you were this alt but I learned it was someone else. Down to play sometime tho? And appreciate it! Haha I’ve come a long way w battling too
    You still one of the best around these days?
    LOL hardly man, play from time to time but now have a family. my how the times have changed, hope you've been well man.
    Hey, we have to fight for OST! I'm GMT +1 and can mostly play in the evening or the weekend. When do you want to play?
    Forgot that the deadline is today ... well I have to work tomorrow and you are not showing up, so I guess I have to request an activity win
    you here? I can play now
    Sorry, was going to sleep then and now the deadline is over
    When you wanna play for SPL? I'm gmt-6, and should be available during afternoons during the week after Wednesday or most times during the weekend with some notice, what works for you?
    thanks dude, see you tom and good luck
    i'm good from now onward, if you want to play soon i'll be idling on smogtours, otherwise we can keep post 7 pm.
    Probably best to stick with around 7 or later at this point since I'll be out for dinner for a bit.
    Hey man, when would you like to play for SPL? My timezone is GMT-5, and I'd prefer the weekends, sometime around morning-afternoon. Let me know what works for you.
    Saturday morning works for me, how about 11 AM EST? Do you happen to live in Georgia? Have fun at the Superbowl.
    i don't, going cause my family loves the pats. can we do 10 (works better for me and the flight). thanks
    Yup 10 AM works for me, I'll see you then man!
    hey, when can you play for spl? i'm gmt+8, if at all possible i'd like to try and play on a weekday because my weekend is looking a bit packed, but i understand that might be tough given the time difference. lmk if you have any sort of weekday availability, if that doesn't work then would prob have to be sunday night mine.
    aye man can you delete your post then re-post it so my meme doesn't look awful
    i love porygon-z in dpp
    welcome back. Alternatively I can edit my post to include yours :)
    when do you wanna play for RoAPL? I'll available tomorrow and Sunday after 2pm GMT-3
    let's do same time tomorrow evening after 9 pm eastern. sorry again, thanks for flexibility
    huh don't be late, I can't stay up till late night tomorrow
    i'm on smogtours now if you can play, ready whenever
    Yo ToF, what egion are you for wcop?
    Asia prolly
    where do u live tho? cause i know you're in the US
    Hi, we're matched for RoAPL. I'm GMT +12 and can play any day this week at 8am or any time after 2pm. On the weekend I'm free outside of stour times. I am not available at all on Monday. Let me know when you'd like to play.
    i'm gmt -4, this is gonna be tough given time zones. i'm free weekends mostly (saturday no good, sunday better) and most evenings my time (like 10 - midnight my time).
    So 10pm Thursday (GMT -4) should work?
    yeah that should be fine, just remind me on thursday as i'm coming back from travel for work. thanks man!
    Mann, i post my 2nd activity, i waited your reply but nothing!
    I’m available at 20 pm my time or 24 pm my time (gmt+2)
    i'm online on smogon tournaments
    waited for 1hr, i have to go to work now.
    I'll try to be online tonight if i can.
    i think you deserve activity win if we cant get this done, thanks for patience.
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