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  • An item called choice scarf. It increases the equipped pokemon's speed by 1.5 but it can only select one move every time it is switched in.
    gg again! and i really like that ambipom set it threw me off guard. glad to see some originality with that poke!
    oh i used the move Tailwind which raises the speed of my whole team for 3 turns. i was surprised that i was faster than 'Tops too! hitmon top has mach punch which goes first no matter what unless the opponent uses a priority move also
    GG. Can't say anything else but sorry, even though I don't need. It just feels bad being weeped badly. Well, I'm sure you can improve.
    a bit of more prediction, I wouldn't have left your water type on my grass type, then, revise that claydol set, and nature maybe, it's really better as supporter than pseudo sweeper, and you can get better coverage with Rock/Ground or Ground/Ice or even dual stab moves (I also prefer phisical claydol in this metagame).

    Then, add something scarfed, or use your lead to spread paralysis, do not use fire punch, it does more with psychic, you may want to use your water type to wall steel.
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