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  • Yes,I noticed. Sometimes i tought the game was gonna trash....anyway,gg man!
    You there man? As duplicate itens you mean more than one of the same itens?
    If thats the case, then I'd suggest you get a wall that isn't your lead. A wall is always good, because if one of my pokes is on a kill streak and you can't seem to stop it, you need a wall for that. If my SE hadn't missed from Rhyperior, I had potential to sweep your whole team. Regirock easily covers this weakness for your team. and you might want to change your lead to standard Ambipom lead
    I think your team is pretty good, just you should use Registeel to set up stealth rock first turn rather than seismic toss. I'm not sure what kind of Sceptile you run, but if its special, you should remove Charizard for a physical attacker, and I would suggest Drapion for that, because it seems it can give your team better coverage. All in all, I think your team is good, but you just need to teach a couple of them better moves and perhaps strategize slightly better =)
    Ok well maybe around 7:00pm or tomorrow. I got to go to music class soon
    i actually made a really bad play switching in meganium, had blizz on sharke.,
    rather late reply too your message, sorry i was away from keyboard.
    i am still here, if you would like to battle.
    Possibly, PM me when your battes over and I'll see if I'm still around
    Yeah, sorry about that, Smogon wasn't loading at all for me, and it's still being slow. I'll go online now and wait if you want.
    You can choose a different move every time you switch in.

    Smogon has detailed descriptions for every item, move, and ability, if you need information about most anything it should have the answer.
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