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  • lol i didnt even realize i had that many post. Curse my previous trading history. And without the smogon tour or any major tournaments open i kinda lose some motivation. At least i did good on all my college midterms :D
    Ahhh how you doing toshi? Busy with college midterms and no smogon tour means i havent seen you around for a while :/
    Yikes...this weekend is really busy for me. Does Sunday night work sometime? We can get the specifics as we get closer.
    Oh! You're GMT-5? I'm GMT-5 too! The joys. Let me know when works best for you! My schedule's pretty adaptable, except for a certain few school times. Most evenings-except tomorrow evening-work for me. Weekends work anytime.
    If you catch me on, sure, but I'm gonna be pretty busy in the forthcoming days, so I would prefer if you could send me some logs.
    Why not but I couldnt stay later than 9pm my time cause last nights werent long :p
    One hour later than that would be a bit better or at least 30 minutes since I come back from church at around that time.
    I'll be on in the next 3h ! Find me on SynIRC, French time or Smogon University. Mynism/Boss Life
    Lol so, I don't mean to be a dick but what was the purpose of the post in your thread? It seemed like you just posted to brag you beat it 4 times (in which I wasn't even the user), but correct me if im wrong. Just to task how I deal w/ stall is just kinda weird question.
    hey, when do you want to play for the #dw tournament? i'm gmt - 7 and generally available most days starting from 3/4 pm my time.
    Good luck in the tutoring tournament, you are predicted to at least reach the finals ^^
    yo we gotta battle for rarelyused tourney. I'm GMT -5, and usually on at some point between 12 pm and 12 am..
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