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  • Hello SethZiBritannia,

    We're due as opponents in the Home Field Advantage in Group K Week 1

    Could you please VM me your Timezone and Preferred Tier to play for that round?

    Thank you! :)
    I live in the eastern Time zone in Canada. I don't know if you live in the same timezone because i don't understand GMT lingo. It's 7:00 pm here now, so i can't play today now. Although i'll be able to battle you tomorrow, most likely.
    Hey we got paired up for the smogon offical touranment 9; message me back when you wnat to battle. This is a standard BW2 OU tournament so make your team. And get ready to lose. I'll befriend you.
    lets get finished the damn liars lule done, ill try to be online today since 7 pm gmt +1, please appear at that time if possible
    Hey Seth~ The Tourney has been approved. Before the time can be confirmed could you hit me up on IRC. I'm free anytime during the next few days, it'll take 10-20 mins easy; I know you're busy but you need to be briefed before I'm comfortable enough to want to let you loose hosting this with us
    We have to battle for the OU Minitour. When are you avaliable? Im EST~
    Hey, please respond to my PMs about the Stat Specialization Tournament. The deadline is in 5 days.
    Hey, we're opponents for offstat. I'm PST (west coast of america) and i'm a battle server mod so I'm on quite a bit, but please let me know your timezone, times you are available, and username on Pokemon Showdown!
    Hey, we are against at 3-mon tour. When are you available for the battle?

    I'm in GMT-5
    hey we got paired for liar's rule, im gmt +1 and i prefer playing in the weekend, which times are you available?
    Hey. If you wanna play this week for the Uber Tourney, we have to play until tomorrow because I'm going to travel on thursday and I'll only can play when I come back. From Monday onwards I'll be free most part of the time anyway, so it'll not be a problem to get this done

    I'm GMT-3 and always on #pokemon anyway. Just contact me whenever you wanna play n_n
    Yup, definitely on thursday. I'll be on IRC most of the day, so you can try to get a hold of me. when you can :D
    Hey Sethy, if you can meet me on IRC on Thursday (gotta confirm w/ work schedule) vitally need some discussion. I'll be poking Django on the matter too :)~
    Hey man, we're paired for clear sky clear hazards tourney. I'm gmt+1, vm me to fix a schedule and stuff
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