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  • Hey. Mind if we play two games at most today , if we go 1-1? Then we can play the last one tomorrow I kinda lost one of my teams :/. Either way, you can highlight me on IRC (#pokemon) when you want to play. I might be afk, but not for long!
    Sure np, ill be at home sometime aroumd 30 minutes from now
    Hi. We need to play for the UU Open. When do you want to play our matches? Personally I would prefer next monday or after, due to me being in the middle of a holiday right now. My timezone is GMT+1 and evening/night is my preferred time to play.
    Hi! If you cant play on the weekend then sure i can play on monday but something around 6 PM my time (im GMt-4)
    That should work out alright, i think.
    I'm GMT +1 and I can battle in my early afternoons and in my evenings, just VM me when I'm online and we can play =)
    No, it's not past the deadline. Sunday is fine for me, how about 9 PM my time, which is 5 PM yours?
    Well sorry, toally forgot it yesterday. How about saturday at, let's say, 8 PM my time, which 4 PM your time?
    That's no problem but I need to go offline now so we have to battle some other time. How about Thursday evening at about 9:30 pm my time? (don't know which is yours so tell me if that doesn't fit for you)
    Hey, we're paired for the pound-for-pound tournament. I'm gmt+1, pls tell me when you've got time to battle so we can set up a time.

    If you want to battle today, you'll find me on Pokemonexperte-Server UEPC (PO2) as "Lohgock." I'll be available the next 2 and a half hours.
    Yeah, that'll probably be best. For some reason the site itself doesn't show up for me. Let's try to get it done tomorrow.
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