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  • So apparently, I have several RL friends who visit this place, I never knew these things ;_;.
    sorry I was busy and I forgot to go on. Do you still need an omanyte or omastar? its ok I dont need anything in return
    Even if I told you to surrender, you would still insist on playing to win. There was no point in doing that so I D/C'ed. Yes I continued to fight for fun, but that so called "Win" that you got wasn't well deserved because you cheated. So if you wanna break the rules cool, but then so will I.
    Your a bitch for cheating. I had every right to D/C. That's like you and me coming to a sword fight and you came with a gun and shoot me instead.

    Like I said, your a bitch.
    It's common sense not to use two of the same pokemon, and if you check the banlist, Salamence is considered uber not ou. I won't report you, but be careful playing with the other players on this site if you continue to break the rules.
    Your cheating. Breaking the species clause and using uber pokemon.
    I think I have omastar or the prevo. Do you have an earthquake TM I could have for it?
    i just log on every so often! i like it here.
    i am sure you were banned or made multiple accounts or something? maybe i'm confused
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