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  • Hey its been a while lol. Ubers UU Swiss R4 opponent. What days you want to play (cause of Daylight Savings I’m currently GMT-6)
    That works for me
    hey man, something came up at the time of our battle. would it be possible to battle 30-45 minutes earlier?
    So like right about now? I could do that. I'm ready. Beast0 on showdown
    Hello we are playing for PU Seasonal my timezone is GMT let me know when suits you ^^
    Hi when can u play for rcop? Im gmt -4 i can at anyhour on weekend my discord is luisotte#3057
    When is a good time for us to battle? I've been on PS most of the time these days as Legendary40 or Legendary42. Anytime you see me on, you can challenge me. I'm EST which I think is GMT -5.
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