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  • Hello. We are paired for the first round of the Ubers Winter Seasonal. When can you play? I am gmt +2.
    So doesn't look like you're gonna show up, but if you do show up please VM me. I have to leave at about 7:30 your time, so hopefully we can find each other before then.

    Also it seems that you haven't submitted your team for this round, which you need to do here: http://www.lendeuel.com/teamSubmit/vgciii/
    Hey, when can you play for the VGC Tournament? I'm on spring break this week, so just let me know when you can play and I can try to make myself free for then. If we could play the sooner the better!

    I'm GMT-10
    Hi! Looks you haven`t been active since Apr 29th. Hope you`re not gone for good, as I hate taking activity wins.

    I just wanted to say that I may have may not have time for our battle tomorrow (Wednesday). Thursday or Friday should be fine though. Or even Sunday.
    Alright, nice. Do you think monday, tuesday or wednesday (next week) would be ok? Somewhere between 07:00 PM and 11:00 PM would probably be ideal, as I have university and other bullshit before that
    Hi! When do you want to play for Shaking Up RU: Round 2 o.o? My timezone is GMT+1. I wont be ready today or tomorrow though. Saturday or Sunday would probably be the best.
    well, im not sure what the hell time you put, but is 9pm gmt -8 in there? if not, i need some time in the late afternoon or evening in gmt-8 or else im going to be in school/asleep
    alright, I'll probably do this on monday if you're free then. I guess I'll just pm you on the server
    we are opponents for the tag team tournament; tell me when you would like to play.
    PokemoN Experte is a Pokemon Online v1 server, meaning it doesn't support BW2 battling, and this is a BW2 tour. We'll have to battle on Pokemon Showdown, then.
    Hey, we have to play for the UUbers Tourney - when are you available to battle? I'm in GMT -5, by the way.
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