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  • Thanks lol, Im not going to do a Misdreavus, I keep getting a calm Graveler instead :(
    I just finished catching a calm Slowpoke and Oddish in a heal ball and friend ball respectively with my calm shiny spread I found earlier today. Im going to RNG a Calm luxury ball Misdreavus and love ball Mareep next :), Mareep will make a fine rain dance supporter with this spread.

    Here are there IVs :D 31/16/30/30/31/27 HP Water 68!!!
    Hey Zack I hate to ask, but can you EV Train one more voltorb for me? I had the wrong ability for what I was trying to do and just caught a new one?
    Nothing much. I'm just gonna blow off some steam and rng abuse some 4th gen. pokemon for right now.
    Sorry I left IRC so suddenly my mom wanted to use the compter and kicked me off haha... I'll be on later tonight though. :) Typing from my phone now.
    I'm sorry about the torchic. I just wish I can rng abuse my own dream world and 5th gen. pokemon instead of relying on people to do it for me. :(
    Because the person who owns it admitted that he hacked it. I found out after Bond told me.

    The player who admitted it and said he was sorry cause he thought I wouldn't mind.
    I'm going to do a Rash/Naive Diglet in levelball. I can't find low frames for modest. Rash is on 6 Naive is on 8 Easypesy.
    Sounds great! and I was just kidding :P. I knew you wouldnt scream anyway. I hope my typing wasnt loud. Good night and TTYL! =D
    enjoy :)

    and if you ever want me to breed anything else for you just let me know lol
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