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Hey! Regarding whether you can add a TSV list into the 3dsrngtool, yes! From the main menu, under the "parents information section" (left side) click the Edit TSV List button. You can then enter your TSV(s) into the menu that pops up and hit save. Only enter 1 per line.
Ik ben op 7 november naar Intertoys geweest, kreeg ik te horen dat ze me zouden bellen wanneer er codes waren.. Was iets fout gegaan met de post zeiden ze.. Nou ik geloof er vrij weinig van. >_>
Hello there! I was looking through the Friend Safari spreadsheet and you got quite the awesome safari! I was wondering if you could add me. My friend code is 0834 1072 5094 (ign: Xander), unfortunately it's a a simple normal type with the most defining pokemon being Chansey, but it would be appreciated either way.
Evening, ma'am. Might I trouble you for a code exchange? Could use a Larvesta and Ninetales. Mine is 1478-4841-8024, and I have Magmar, Slugma, and Braixen.