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  • Ahahahaha, thanks!
    I really appreciate it! I hope you have a happy one!

    Actually that is a good question. I live in Ontario which runs off of EST, I think. I have no Idea what part of Canada he lives in. There are about 7 time zones in Canada so...
    Umm yeah I guess... though you seem to be confused as to what "Visitor Messages" are, haha. Better luck at the next tournament btw, perhaps you should try to learn the OU metagame here and you'll kill at the next tourney for sure.
    Inside of your dog's mouth after he buried it in the garden after you ticked him off by being 20 minutes late for feeding him?
    Ok will do, and I'll message you to confirm when I do.
    You gotta show me that waluigi stadium shortcut.
    And find your copy of Brawl! I've been practicing :)
    Sorry peoples! I want to keep my social groups under control so I can see the icon of each one. Don't feel offended if I delete yours! It just means that there was not much going on and I didn't feel like there would be any activity any time soon. Sorry again!
    Well the main thing I've done wrong is start bad threads in the miscellaneous forum. And I've spoken my mind a bit too much lol, so some people probably don't like me because of that.

    Heh, if you just stay away from the very rough misc. forum then you won't have any problems like that :)
    Sorry for the late response!! But yeah, just post wherever you like! Good luck on the tournament tomorrow!!
    Hey guys! Tomorrow is the tournament. Wish me luck! (tons of thanks goes to kaonohiokala!) I couldn't have done it without you, buddy!
    Oh I forgot ... I like Pikachu better but I call myself a Slowbro because I am more like a Slowbro. For one thing I really am slow :) Slowbro is one of my favorite pokemon too though.

    And if you don't want to get in trouble, please don't post anywhere defending me :) That wouldn't go over well. Actually it's probably best if you don't even mention me, heh.
    Hi :) and thanks for joining the Trade It For A Patrat thing :)

    Actually I didn't know that I actually almost was banned. Don't worry, you won't do any of the stupid things I've done here. All the advice I can think of is to lurk a lot so that you kind of know how things work here, especially if you want to post in the miscellaneous forum. Actually maybe you just shouldn't ever post in the misc. forum, lol, that place is rough.

    Oh, and getting warned or banned wouldn't really be that big a deal. If I do get banned that won't hurt me at all.
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