Tournament DLWC I - Signups

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Discord Tag arielthemermaid.

Eligibility Turkey

Interested in managing No

If interested in managing, who is your preferred comanager, optional

Significant time missed school
Discord Tag mintadin

Eligibility Netherlands

Interested in managing No

If interested in managing, who is your preferred comanager, optional

Significant time missed N/A
Discord Tag Money D Drago

Eligibility Netherlands

Interested in managing No

If interested in managing, who is your preferred comanager, optional

Significant time missed na
Discord Tag krookodileking

Eligibility United Kingdom

Interested in managing No

If interested in managing, who is your preferred comanager, optional

Significant time missed None
Discord Tag tokyoz

Eligibility US South

Interested in managing No

If interested in managing, who is your preferred comanager, optional

Significant time missed None
Discord Tag topasna_98

Eligibility Oceania

Interested in managing Yes

If interested in managing, who is your preferred comanager, optional

Significant time missed None
Discord Tag DetectiveLocke

Eligibility US North East

Interested in managing No

If interested in managing, who is your preferred comanager, optional

Significant time missed ?
Discord Tag afairy

Eligibility US South

Interested in managing No

If interested in managing, who is your preferred comanager, optional

Significant time missed -
Discord Tag DetectiveLocke

Eligibility US North East

Interested in managing No

If interested in managing, who is your preferred comanager, optional N/A

Significant time missed Just Most Mondays-Friday 7am-4pm (school day)
Discord Tag dumbenbygoose

Eligibility US North East

Interested in managing No

If interested in managing, who is your preferred comanager, optional

Significant time missed none
Discord Tag GAPECK

Eligibility United Kingdom

Interested in managing No

If interested in managing, who is your preferred comanager, optional

Significant time missed May 17th-22nd
Discord Tag wiliat

Eligibility United Kingdom

Interested in managing No

If interested in managing, who is your preferred comanager, optional

Significant time missed
17-20th April
Discord Tag kiidad

Eligibility Dominican Republic

Interested in managing No

If interested in managing, who is your preferred comanager, optional

Significant time missed n/a
Discord Tag Starchon27

Eligibility Canada

Interested in managing No

If interested in managing, who is your preferred comanager, optional

Significant time missed none
Discord Tag RggV

Eligibility Latin America

Interested in managing No

If interested in managing, who is your preferred comanager, optional No

Significant time missed No
Discord Tag Hax Believer

Eligibility Dominican Republic

Interested in managing No

If interested in managing, who is your preferred comanager, optional

Significant time missed None
Discord Tag Sogghakim

Eligibility Tunisia

Interested in managing No

If interested in managing, who is your preferred comanager, optional

Significant time missed None ig
Discord Tag munchrino

Eligibility US South

Interested in managing No

If interested in managing, who is your preferred comanager, optional Anyone

Significant time missed I can only get on weekdays 6 pm to 9 pm and available on weekends from 11 am to 11 pm
Discord Tag GlitchmonRBY

Eligibility US South

Interested in managing No

If interested in managing, who is your preferred comanager, optional

Significant time missed 13:00
Discord Tag leanpicachu

Eligibility US South

Interested in managing No

If interested in managing, who is your preferred comanager, optional

Significant time missed Weekdays
Discord Tag zakdoe

Eligibility United Kingdom

Interested in managing No

If interested in managing, who is your preferred comanager, optional

Significant time missed None
Discord Tag boidestroy

Eligibility Canada

Interested in managing No

If interested in managing, who is your preferred comanager, optional

Significant time missed n/a
Discord Tag goldfinchgunner

Eligibility US West

Interested in managing Yes

If interested in managing, who is your preferred comanager, optional

Significant time missed none
Discord Tag bigjoe16

Eligibility Canada

Interested in managing No

If interested in managing, who is your preferred comanager, optional

Significant time missed None
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