Social Where did you hear of Smogon from

it must've been 2007 or 2008, I was active in a few other forums (psypokes, serebii) and I was hearing of smogon as the place for competitive battling and movesets and stuff, albeit with a snarky and less-than-welcoming community. I've been mostly lurking ever since
Shoddy Battle existed back then and Smogon had the biggest Shoddy Battle server, back then no one was doing Tiering except Smogon so Smogon essentially became the official tiering leader because back then no one wanted to ban Garchomp even though it was absurd. Smogon had the best tournaments around so that's where I initially heard of them.
I found it hidden in a legendary scroll from the highest peaks of mt everest while trekking through th -

Yeah it wasn't that impressive. If I heard it before my answer I'm giving, it's because I don't remember. Would've been from Lobby on Pokemon Showdown.
first I ever heard of it was prob just off of some analysis of a mon through the Showdown command for it but I wouldnt be able to recall which

earliest memory of finding out Smogon was I lost my password back in like 2020, went to the Help room about it and they told me to appeal for a password change on Smogon so i basically discovered it for the first time then trying to get Le'Depression back
earliest memory of finding out Smogon was I lost my password back in like 2020, went to the Help room about it and they told me to appeal for a password change on Smogon
To be honest, I wonder how many people have gone through this same scenario lmao, it's a frequent enough question in help where I'd say some people hear about smogon for the first time from there pretty damn consistently
The first time I have heard about Smogon was around 2022, where I was looking for a guide on how to properly play a nuzlocke, and I just stumbled upon the website by accident.

I find it pretty fascinating that others have a similar story.
Heard about Smogon around 2015 or 2016 with a YouTuber called Fildrong. He keeps doing amazing content on YouTube about competitive Pokemon and he's definitely someone that has inspired many, MANY players to start competitive Pokemon in the French community. So yeah, thank you Fildrong :bellipog:
Like 4 years ago, when I was 10 or 11, I had loosely heard of smogon from a youtube video on pokemon (the autism was flaring up that month). About 4 years later I had started getting into singles on Showdown and I was looking at the smogon pokedex when I saw the forum. I clicked the button, made an account, and made like 1 comment on something. A couple months later I started posting here a lot more after I got banned from a discord server I talked on a lot because one of the mods was powertripping (fuck you t***z) and anyways i've made over 200 posts in the past 2 months (that's an average of 3.5 posts per day) but you guys all seem nice so i'll be sticking around for a while hopefully.
One time when i was 7 in a public library i got bored from doing schoolwork and decided to use the public library pcs. Decided to search up "Pokemon games" on those PC and stumbled onto PS! I ended up playing PS by myself for a while until i learned from this guy on PS or something that there was a Website called Smogon where they had tours and stuff. So i joined it and fast foward to now im still here.
I used to play randbats on showdown. I saw an announcement for a randbats tournament and decided to sign up. Created my smogon account and got knocked out in r1. Stopped playing showdown a while after that, but came back when dlc1 was released. Then I started being on smogon again after the release of dlc2 iirc.
Searched 'pokemon online game' some time back in 2020, found Showdown. Made a few teams while being completely clueless about viability and tiers, was clueless about EVs and IVs even. Lost like 80% of all my battles. Then I discovered the little 'Smogon analysis' link in the EVs page, clicked on it, and used the strategy dex for a while before discovering the forums, lurking on it for a while, and eventually joining.
it's been literally more than a decade but i'm certain I found showdown (and smogon by extension) by looking up 'free pokemon games' or something like that. it must've been like the top page of results.

my parents didn't like paying for video games and generally considered them a waste of time and I didn't figure out emulators for another year or so, but I wanted to play pokemon after watching older relatives and let's players do it. I didn't even want to play against other people initially, but i figured people would be smarter (and therefore more challenging) than bots, so I rolled with it, here I am I guess.
I remember first trying out Pokémon Showdown for the first time in early Gen 7, right around the time of that generation's first OU suspect tests for Pokémon like Pheromosa, Mega Metagross, and later Naganadel. My profile details insist I joined Smogon in 2019, but from what I can remember that was probably just when I made my account. For what reason I would have joined, I can't remember. Only that I've enjoyed feeling like a part of the community ever since... even if there are some moments when I start to doubt that claim.