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  • Hey would you wanna play tomorrow morning? I'm sorry I'm bad at timezones, its quite late for you at the moment correct? (I may have this ass backwards though haha :)
    Hey, we got paired for the Eo's proposition tournament. I'm gmt-5, I'll be easy to work around times with as I'm officially on summer break :)
    We're paired for No Johns, when do you want to get the match done?
    My ears will never be the same after having those words travel through my ear canals.
    Je ne sais pas, je parle un peu français.

    Vous êtes très sympatique et vous êtes plus belle que les étoiles, tout comme WoR.
    Tournaments aside, don't even get me started with McMeghan's ability to seduce the vast female population of Smogon. Simply scroll down his wall and witness two females fawning over his oh so soothing French accent and thug-like Lil Wayne demeanor.

    There's a reason McMeghan has a red trophy: the red symbolizes the blood of all of the individuals he defeated to earn such a prestigious prize, and whenever he's thirsty, he takes a little sip out of his king-sized trophy, with his pinky lifted up like a fancy man, to refresh himself.

    Do I need to say any more? I don't think so, because this guy's swag speaks for itself. Challenge this man at the risk being embarrassed in front of his numerous fans.
    McMeghan? A named feared by the entirety of the tournament community.

    Earthworm? Three Trophies? Who gives a fuck.
    reyscarface? This tour season's Donald Trump? Boring, zZzZz.

    None of these names are as interesting and dynamic as McMeghan. Let me tell you guys a little something about Mc "the ladies fall for me as soon as they stare into my eyes" Meghan. Whenever someone sees that they're matched up with this, as many have called him, "Beneluxian Wonder", their bodily functions simply stop working, because they have already realized a fact: they are incapable of defeating Belgium's official sex symbol, and know that they'll lose in the span of 7 turns once they face this man. All this 19 year old stud muffin has to do is click a few simple buttons (with his eyes blindfolded, by the way) with his mouse, and he's well on his way to victory.
    Hiya <3
    That's nice, I still listen to the music you gave me, especially the Lana del Rey song ~ Thank you so much :)
    The thing we spoke about will happen on May 7. Today is actually the 12 month anniversary since I was diagnosed with my tumour, I'm really happy that I survived to be alive on this date, and I'm celebrating that I'm a year away from my sickness and a year closer to my future.
    I hope you're doing well too ♥
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