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  • saturday will probably work, i'm usually more available in the evenings (like 6-8 my time)
    Anyday bud, it would be convenient if you could meet me on IRC because that's the easiest way to do it. If you don't have it just VM me and I'll get on Showdown. I'm on at random times right now because of tests but you can expect me on 6-10 PM GMT-8 tommorow.
    I'm on Groudon's Grotto right now, as Ttar Ph.D. I'll be on for the next 30 minutes. After that, I'll be gone for a couple hours, but I should be back around 7pm my time
    I offered you times over a week ago, and you never said a word, pal. It's not all up to me.

    Anyways, anytime from 3pm-9pm EST tomorrow would work for me.
    We're opponents in the 3-mon tournament.
    My timezone is GMT-4. Usually available on weekends and sometimes on weekdays.
    Reply with your timezone please :)
    i've said monday, not tuesday anyway i'm on this evening at 9.30 my pm...
    sorry i don't know... i'm very busy in this period... pheraphs monday at 9.30 (my gmt)
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