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  • fuck missed you, i was not on ...
    asking for an extension, I think we should be able to play anyway with this extend.
    I'm in my car right now... I'll be by me at 2am mytime. Maybe you can?
    Hey man, things are pretty sweet at the mo. Loving life, hating the work as per. Hope you're good, will have to catch up sometime!!
    I can't play before wednesday now. I hope we will play (if you can go on ps maybe i can play before wednesday)
    I know, I was not by me, btw I can be on for the rest of the day if you can connect now.
    We're paired for Forgotten tourney, I'm GMT+2 and it will be really hard for me to play after tomorrow. So when are you avaible ?
    im gmt +2 and i'll vm you as soon as i feel ready to play, which shouldn't be very long dw
    oh, it's unfortunate you can't speak japanese anymore :(
    i've been watching Sword Art Online and Higurashi, and I've been reading Gantz, Battle Royale and 20th Century Boys. Do you have any good manga you'd recommend I read? =D
    lol, I'm not adopted, I'm Vietnamese. Just said "my asian parents" to emphasize on their strictness >:(

    being japanese seems cool!!! :)
    you can watch japanese anime without subs :o
    im on irc if you want

    edit : nvm i gotta go. PM me the team and what you think about it (+ what would you change).
    I'm quitting because my Asian parents are mad that I don't study enough; therefore, they are restricting my internet access to ~ 20-30 minutes per day :(

    For the BotW, it's no problem haha, though it would've been cool to see you play :)

    By the way, I noticed you were part of Team Asia in the last WCoP. Are you Asian? :o
    I'm free all day so set a time and place and I'll be there. (preferably afternoon evening though)
    i had to work overtime i apologize. i work 5-9:30 tomorrow but after that I'm free for the rest of the week. again i apologize for being practically impossible, i've been busy with work.
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