Akaru Kokuyo
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  • Como no se si te de por mirar skype >.< Tampoco era seguro si podia este finde, intentare hacerme un hueco el lunes o martes~
    Hello, we are paired for Ubers Open V round three. My timezone is GMT+3, when do you want to play?
    We can play now if you want. :) Otherwise I would suggest to play 4pm your time on Thursday or Friday.
    Akaru Kokuyo
    Akaru Kokuyo
    Lets try Thursday at 4 pm. I´m kind of tired, freaking airplane took 2 hours more than planned and I almost died waiting xDD
    Ok, I will catch you then...
    hi! we have to play for LC open r4, my GMT is +1 and im available on stours most of the time let me know when you'd like to play :)
    Akaru Kokuyo
    Akaru Kokuyo
    Hi c: . Well, I´m with school stuff, and I´m going to be out from Friday to Tuesday, so I´d appreciate a lot If we can play before that. I´m GMT -5, and I get back from school aprox at 15:00 or so. So, yeah, I can play at that time, till later xD
    Hola,veo que hablas español asi que genial ^^. ¿Cuándo quieres jugar para el slam de dobles? Soy gmt +1
    Akaru Kokuyo
    Akaru Kokuyo
    Mañana Martes estaré en esas horas :3 . Me pondré atenta en smogtours xD
    Akaru Kokuyo
    Akaru Kokuyo
    Sadx, estuve ayer y hoy en SMogtours, no te vi :x . No puedo jugar ya hasta el Martes porque saldré de casa xdd
    No te metes a skype, supongo que ya has asumido que estas mas que cornuda no?~
    Akaru Kokuyo
    Akaru Kokuyo
    Kek xD?
    No me he metido porque estoy ocupadísima con mis cosas de la Prepa, me la paso con trámites y esas weas, y pues me olvido ;~; . Ya lo checo >_>
    Alice Kazumi
    Alice Kazumi
    Ah pense que ya habias acabado >.<
    Hey we need to play for Ubers Open. When can you play? I'm GMT -6.
    Akaru Kokuyo
    Akaru Kokuyo
    Hi c: . Well, usually on weekdays I´m from 16:00 to 22:00, and weekends from 17:00 till midnight. Tell me when you can play and I´ll be there c: . GMT -5 here
    i think I can find you during those times, most likely next week if I don't find you this weekend.
    fite for Monotype snsls I'm gmt-5
    just have been busy with stuff in my personal life
    just a reminder the deadline for Monotype seasonal is tomorrow at 9AM EST. Let me know if you guys need an extension to get this done!
    Akaru Kokuyo
    Akaru Kokuyo
    Well, I´ve been here zzz, I gave my times and stuff. If he needs extension that´s fine with me :P
    cuando jugamos para el Doubles Open?
    Pues entre semana como muy tarde podria jugar a las 5 PM de tu país, los findes podria quedarme un poco mas tarde (soy GMT+2)
    btw si usas skype o discord o algo así dimelo, asi lo tenemos mas facil para contactar
    Akaru Kokuyo
    Akaru Kokuyo
    mmm si, tengo Skype, es LordaFluttershy c: . Y me queda mejor mañana, más o menos a la 1 o 2 de mi hora
    When do you want to play for UU Open? I'm gmt-4, can't do tomorrow the 23rd but after that I should be pretty open, whenever you want to play. I'm AwesomeChrisBosh1 on PS so if you ever see me and want to battle hmu
    Akaru Kokuyo
    Akaru Kokuyo
    Hi! I´m also usually online like, the whole day since I´m on holidays. Im with either DLT1 Lorda user or EG Krulcifer, on DOU Room c:
    when fight for dou ssnl? gmt -4 1pm - midnight are my usual times
    Akaru Kokuyo
    Akaru Kokuyo
    Oh ok, tomorrow then c:
    hey I hate to push this another day but I got up like really early today and I'm tired as fuck... can we.. do this tomorrow?
    Akaru Kokuyo
    Akaru Kokuyo
    Yeah, dont worry xDD. I just realized you said 1pm - Midnight, I thought only midnight xD. Yeah I´m online like early-night or so, I will comment here
    play when for ru ssnl?
    Akaru Kokuyo
    Akaru Kokuyo
    I´m usually online like from 14:00 to 22:00 GMT -5. Except on weekends, where I´m online from 17:00 till midnight
    Akaru Kokuyo
    Akaru Kokuyo
    You can find me on DOU Room with EG Krulcifer name, or in EG Room
    we're playing for dubs ssnl

    all times in gmt-7, let me know 24 hours or more ahead of time and i should be able to make anything in the time frames listed work.
    Wednesday 5-9pm
    Thursday 5-9pm
    Saturday 10am-2pm
    Sunday 10am-2pm
    ah shoot sorry, a little late. Can you still play?
    Well I was like 20 minutes late replying (was on PS / Smogtours the entire time though) so I'll wait a little bit longer yet, but I'm not able to play tomorrow as I listed above. Will either of the weekend days work if you can't play tonight?
    Akaru Kokuyo
    Akaru Kokuyo
    Oh i was on as well, thing is I was on my clan acc, which is EG Krulcifer x_x . Are you still here?
    Akaru Kokuyo
    Akaru Kokuyo
    Ohh sorry, I went to get dinner at the time you sent me the message D:
    RIP anyways hmu with a time I'm MST and have school
    Akaru Kokuyo
    Akaru Kokuyo
    Well im usually available from 14:00 to 22:00 GMT -6, MST is -7 .
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